Casey Anthony
Anthony speaking to family from her Florida jail. The Anthony family would constantly ask Casey where her daughter was with no answer. Anthony Upd

Casey Anthony is facing more legal and financial troubles as her bankruptcy case and defamation suits get underway. In January the former murder suspect filed for bankruptcy after two people hit her with defamation of character lawsuits. Anthony claims the financial burden of paying her legal fees stemming from her 2011 murder trial have left her completely broke.

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On Tuesday a Tampa judge ruled that Casey Anthony's bankruptcy hearing will be held in a federal court and not in the Orange County Circuit where it was first filed. The Orlando Sentinel calls this a small victory for Casey Anthony.

K. Rodney May, the judge presiding over Anthony's bankruptcy hearing will also hear the claims of defamation made against Anthony by Zenaida Gonzalez and Roy Konk.

In 2008 when police first began to question Casey Anthony about the disappearance of her two-year-old daughter Caylee, Casey Anthony piled on lie after lie claiming the child's baby sitter Zenaida Gonzalez had Caylee and that she was responsible for the girl's disappearance or kidnapping.

Gonzalez is claiming that Anthony's accusations have ruined her life and reputation. Gonzalez says Anthony's claims have made it difficult for her to find work and she has even received death threats.

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Roy Konk is a meter reader from Florida. In 2008 Konk was the one who found the remains later identified as Casey Anthony's daughter Caylee. During Anthony's trial the defense pointed the finger at Konk suggesting it was possible he was responsible for Caylee's death. Konk was forced to obtain his own lawyer in order to defend himself against the defense's claims.

David Evans, Konk's attorney told the Orlando Sentinel,

"It's been hard on Roy to be made out to be a target of this activity. To make him out to be a villain when all he did was find Caylee's remains and report it to law enforcement."

Konk and Gonzalez may not see a cent from Anthony who is claiming she owes $800,000 to numerous collection agencies. Judge May used the word "destitute" when describing Anthony. He also asked Konk and Gonzalez if they felt the time and effort put into the defamation suits would be worth it considering it would be unlikely they would see any money from Anthony.

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Judge May will preside over both of Anthony's cases. Casey Anthony did not appear in court on Tuesday and her lawyers are keeping quiet about where she may be hiding. Anthony has rarely been seen in public since being acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee.

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