Teen Kill gf like Dexter
Steven Miles obsessed with Dexter, kills 17 year-old girlfriend. Screenshot YouTube

British 16 year-old Steven Miles, murdered his girlfriend Elizabeth Thomas in his bedroom by stabbing her and dismembering her body. Sadly, the boy claims the idea came from the hit series “Dexter” which Miles is known to be obsessed with. After stabbing her in the head and back with saws and tools from his father’s gardening business, he allegedly put the body parts into plastic bags before covering them in a green plastic garden sheet. The tragic incident happened in Oxted, Surrey on January 24 this year.

Steven Miles had been diagnosed with autistic syndrome, told his family that he had an alter ego called Ed who had instructed him to kill someone. “Ed made me do something bad,” he supposedly told his sister. Even so, the judge said eminent psychiatrists had agreed that the boy did not suffer from schizophrenia; therefore he was no less responsible for the heinous crime. Late last week, Miles, now 17, received a 25 year sentence in prison as the judge said: "You decided at the age of 16 you had to kill somebody, you chose Elizabeth Thomas who tragically befriended you and who had stood up for you when people described you as different."

Lewis Power who was defending Miles said, "This was a truly gruesome killing ripped from the pages of a hit TV script. The evidence points to the defendant trying to emulate the actions of the character Dexter who he idolized.”

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