Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranson stars as Walt, a meth-dealer turned megalomaniac, in "Breaking Bad." Ursula Coyote/AMC

The end is near. The second part of Season 5 (many times dubbed Season 6) will be released in the summer. For fans of the new cult classic "Breaking Bad," this means two things. One, that finally all the questions and cliffhangers from previous seasons will be resolved. Two, one of the best TV shows of the last years will be definitely over.

As a present to loyal viewers, which the series has accumulated by the millions, AMC has released a new on-set promo for the final episodes. It features the show's biggest stars and hints to what might happen. And it does clarify something: It is going to be one wild finale to the beloved series.

"This is the end, my friend. It's a roller coaster ride to hell," says Bryan Cranston, who plays Walt, the cancer-survivor protagonist turned power hungry megalomaniac.

To the hints that Hank, Walt's DEA agent brother-in-law who is constantly one step behind him, might be on the verge of discovering Walt's secret, Cranston replied that "he doesn't know how to handle me. He doesn't even know where to come from."

Fans have begun to make their own predictions, like Walt's cancer coming back or more deaths in the show. This finale, as Cranton says, "you won't want to miss it."

For now, take a sneaky preview of what's in storage here.

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