Ariel Castro
The son of Ariel Castro told the "Today Show" his father had always been a violent man. Screen Shot from YouTube

Anthony Castro, the son of the Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro appeared on the "Today Show" alongside host Savannah Guthrie and spoke about his father's sentence and what it was like growing up in his house.

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On Friday, Ariel Castro pleaded guilty to over 900 counts of kidnapping and rape in the cases of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. He will be sentenced to life in prison with no parole plus an additional 1,000-years. When asked about his father's sentence Anthony Castro said,

"I think it's the best possible sentence. I think that if he really can't control his impulses and he really doesn't have any value for human life the way this case has shown, then behind bars is where he belongs for the rest of his life."

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When asked by Guthrie what it was like growing up with Castro as his father, 31-year-old Anthony Castro said it was a violent household. Castro described his father as a strict individual and someone you did not want to cross. Anthony Castro said crossing his father often met with a physical punishment.

Castro described nights he would cry himself to sleep because his legs hurt so much from Ariel Castro beating him with a belt. Anthony Castro also described his late mother, curled up in a corner afraid for her life because his father would violently beat her as well.

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Anthony Castro said his mother would also see justice in his father's sentence. Anthony said the first morning Castro wakes up in his cell with the sun on his face, would be his mother's way of getting justice.

Anthony Castro and his family were hurt by his father's lies and what he did to the three women he held in his home. Castro said he would not visit his father in jail because it will be just another chance for the former school bus driver to lie.

"Right now I can't see any scenario where I would go visit him. You know, he's been lying to his family for the past 10, 11 years at every possible turn. I have no trust in him. I can't see myself going to visit him and give him the opportunity to face me and lie to me again."

For Anthony Castro the toughest moment of this entire ordeal came at the beginning. The day in May when Amanda Berry worked up enough courage to escape her captor and call 911. Anthony Castro said the toughest moment was when he heard Amanda Berry say his father's name. Castro said that was the moment it became real to him.

Anthony Castro finished his "Today Show" interview by thanking the people in his life that stuck by his side. He thanked friends and coworkers for not judging him based on his father's actions. Finally, Savannah Guthrie asked if Anthony Castro had anything to say to Ariel Castro. With a stern expression and a deep tone Anthony Castro replied, "I have nothing to say to him."

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