Video Shows Apprehension Of Casey And Vicky White After Prison Escape babawawa/ Pixabay

A new motion has been filed by the Lauderdale County District Attorney’s Office saying the request to transfer Casey White to the Cullman County Jail is unnecessary. On Friday, the defense team requested defendant White to be moved to the Cullman County Jail from Donaldson Prison to enable his lawyer to prepare for his December capital murder trial.

According to Fox News, White, the alleged murder suspect of Connie Ridgeway could face some setbacks in his trial as the motion that was previously unopposed seems to have gone the other direction. Attorney Connolly said that Sheriff Gentry was willing to aid the State and Court if necessary, however, he pointed out there may have been a miscommunication between the defense counsel and the Sheriff regarding the necessity of White’s transfer to Cullman County.

Connolly added that he spoke with state officials who noted that prison authorities had ensured the accommodation of the defense counsel’s access to their client. Connolly went ahead with a motion for the court to set a hearing regarding the necessity of the suspect's request for transfer. The District attorney gave no further comments while Sheriff Gentry’s office responded with an immediate comment on the matter.

Gentry released a statement saying that he was misquoted in the defense motion, restating that "he is ready and willing to house Mr. White." He told the Huntsville-based WAFF-TV that the original quotation was incorrect as it made it appear as if his department was eager to assist in White’s transfer. Remarking that if the judge approved the transfer motion, he and his deputies would ensure that White would be well guarded.

White escaped Lauderdale County Jail back in April with the help of prison officer, Vicki White, who fled with the inmate. The pair, believed to be in a "special relationship" was captured in Indiana 11-days later wherein during the chase, Vicki allegedly took her own life as police closed in on their location. Meanwhile, Casey who is currently facing felony charges for her death, is scheduled for a separate trial to be held on a later, undisclosed date.

Thomas John Boukamp, 22, was sentenced to life imprisonment in Federal prison on Thursday for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old Lubbock girl. baumundzwanzig/ Pixabay

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