Video Shows Apprehension Of Casey And Vicky White After Prison Escape Daniel_B_photos/ Pixabay

A potential new defense line has been laid out for Casey White as his new team hones in on an angle that could be used to justify charges related to his escape. White’s legal defense attorneys said that as a prisoner, he was signed in the “care and custody” of former corrections officer Vicky White during the 11-day manhunt.

According to, White’s lawyer, Mark McDaniel refused to provide further comments on their defense angle, however, the entire slant of their defense seemed to suggest that 56-year-old Vicky White was in full control of her prisoner. Casey walked out of the Alabama jail in handcuffs as he was being escorted by the corrections director herself. He departed the prison grounds on the premise he was being taken to a supposed scheduled mental evaluation at a courthouse.

In an interview last month with Casey’s mother Connie Moore, her statement appears to mesh with the defense claims,“I doubt he even knew he was leaving when she came in there to get him,” Moore said.

White’s lawyers are busy with their new defense strategies as they recently filed several motions with the court. The defense team filed a motion asking to change the venue of the trial and move the case outside of Lauderdale County. His attorneys argued the request is due to the case gaining too much publicity nationwide as well as it has been the international juice on social media and pursuing the case locally would rob their client of being provided with a fair and objective trial.

Aside from this, his defense lawyers also filed a motion to suppress any previous statements he made in connection with his murder trial in the death of Connie Ridgeway in 2015 where White is facing charges of stabbing Ridgeway to death. His attorneys are seeking a motion to have the judge toss out his alleged confession to the crime while he was an inmate in the Alabama Department of Corrections where authorities said he provided details of the killing.

White’s defense cited that he was not read and properly advised on his Miranda rights at the time. Another motion was filed to stifle any other written or oral statements he has made that violate his privilege against self-incrimination and the right to counsel. The judge has given the green light to postpone the murder case till December of this year.

A preliminary hearing on his escape charge has been set for June 20 but the court has not yet ruled on the motion to change the trial venue. Meanwhile, James Stinson, the car wash manager who found Casey and Vicky White's abandoned Ford truck in the wash bay said he has not heard anything about his reward money.

Representation Image US Supreme Court Building Washington DC MarkThomas/ Pixabay

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