A 20-year-old caretaker who was caught on video surveillance abusing an 88-year-old disabled man last year was sentenced Wednesday. In a virtual hearing before Hillsborough Circuit, Judge Laura Ward sentenced Jonah Delgado to two years of house arrest and he was also required to serve four years of probation.

Delgado, who was 19 years old at the time of his arrest, was the on-duty caretaker for the elderly man who required full-time care for basic needs. According to Fox News, Delgado was seen in the video punching the elderly man in the stomach three times. Other parts of the footage also caught the frail victim getting slapped and shoved down on a bed.

The graphic video was posted on Facebook by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. It shows Delgado listening to music as he struggles to move the man from a hospital bed to a wheelchair. He then slaps the victim in the face, head and abdomen.

At some point in the 55-second long video, the man gets entangled in Delgado’s earbud cords prompting a slap from his caretaker as he yelled at him: "You’re a f***ing idiot. Like really, how stupid are you?"

Prosecutors said investigations revealed the caretaker has often subjected the victim to verbal abuse.

Around midnight on Aug. 5, 2020, the abusive caretaker was arrested with the assistance of the Pasco Sheriff's Office. "The actions of this man are deplorable, unacceptable and disturbing," said Sheriff Chad Chronister after his arrest. "Delgado was trusted to take care of this man and to protect him. He not only broke this trust but put this man in direct danger with his actions,” the Sheriff added.

During the hearing, Delgado apologized and pleaded guilty to three third-degree felonies, two counts of elder abuse, and battery of a victim over the age of 65. "If I can just say one thing, I just wanted to apologize. I understand that the victim’s son is here and I just wanted to apologize to him," he said.

The caretaker is forced to attend anger management classes alongside 20 hours of community service and write a letter of apology to the victim. The judge also stated a firm condition attached to his sentence, "No caretaker employment at all." Delgado shook his head to concur with the judge’s order.

Representation Image Caregiver Holding Hand Hospice Patient truthseeker08/Pixabay