Xbox One
Microsoft Reveals the Xbox One will support partial-download play. Xbox

Microsoft has released a new video highlighting the Xbox One's dashboard. The new video highlights the voice navigation capabilities and how users can switch between apps and games. The video demonstrates how gamers using voice command can turn the console on, run applications, record gameplay and call up menus. It also offers a look at how players can switch between applications and games. The video shows this off by displaying a gamer joining a "Titanfall" match while watching a movie, then calling up the TV application mid-game.

This latest official video details the login experience and navigation around the dashboard to launch various apps and games using Kinect. The Xbox One's main menu will consist of five icons displaying the last five games and applications used on the console. The console's dashboard layout is an example of how Microsoft looked at Xbox 360 users' habits when designing the Xbox One's interface, according to Albert Penello. Aesthetically the layout for the Xbox One dashboard has been revamped. It still has the old layout, but is updated.

It was also announced that gamers will be able to record the last five minutes of gameplay, make edits to the video, and share the clip using voice command. While gamers will be able to share gameplay clips on Xbox Live at the launch date the upload gameplay feature and sharing to social media sites won't be available until 2014.

As the Xbox One November 22 release date approaches gamers should expect more and more news to be revealed.

Related: Xbox One Release Date News: User Manual Leaks Online; See Where Xbox Says To Place Your Kinect [PHOTOS]

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