World Cup 2022 Reuters
World Cup 2022 in Qatar could move from the traditional June and July time frame to a more temperature-friendly time such as November and December due to extreme heat concerns. Reuters

While preparations for the approaching World Cup in Brazil continue, recent news concerning the 2022 tournament in Qatar have grabbed the attention of the international soccer world. Due to the extreme heat and dry temperatures Qatar usually experiences in June and July -- the months soccer's most prestigious tournament is held -- FIFA and secretary general Jerome Valcke are not unsure if holding the usual summer games during those sweltering days will be in the best interest of all those participating, especially the players. Valcke even proclaimed recently that he believed the dates of the 2022 games will be changed to accommodate players and fans, noting November and December as suitable months.

“The dates for the World Cup in Qatar will not be June-July,” he told Radio France this week. “To be honest, I think it will be held between November 15 and January 15 at the latest. If you play between November 15 and the end of December that's the time when the weather conditions are best, when you can play in temperatures equivalent to a warm spring season in Europe, averaging 25 degrees. That would be perfect for playing football.”

Though the secretary general believes the dates will be moved to a more temperature-friendly time, FIFA vice president Jim Boyce, upon hearing the comments made by Valcke, indicated that he was completely shocked by the remarks. The V.P. also noted that even though the event is certainly subject to change, no decisions on the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be made before the 2014 tournament in Brazil takes place. World Cup 2014 is scheduled to begin on June 12 in Sao Paulo.

“I’m totally, completely shocked,” said Boyce. “As I understand it, all the stakeholders will have discussions and report back to the executive committee of FIFA and no final decision will be made on when the 2022 World Cup would be played until December 2014 or March 2015. As far as I am concerned, that remains the situation and there has been nothing said to me to make that any different. No decision will be taken before the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.”

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