Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation

A young woman took to the social network Reddit to seek advice after walking out on her boyfriend's very public proposal, angry that he "hijacked" her graduation party for the stunt on a day meant to celebrate her success.

The 25-year-old law school grad went to r/AITAH to inquire if she possibly overreacted when she "quietly" stormed out of her own graduation reception, leaving her stunned boyfriend down on bended knee without responding to his proposal.

She explains that her boyfriend, Tim, has always been very supportive of her. "Don't get me wrong, I love Tim, and I do want to marry him," she prefaces.

However, things recently took a turn for the dramatic.

Surrounded by loved ones at her party, she says she was "enjoying the moment," when suddenly Tim stood up and clinked his glass to get the room's attention. She was expecting a speech congratulating her, but instead of talking about how hard she worked or how proud Tim was of her, she says he kneeled down and delivered a monologue on "how happy he was to finally 'lock me down.'"

"All I could think was, 'This was supposed to be my moment,'" she told the forum. "I felt like he hijacked a day that was meant to celebrate my success." She quickly exited the room without saying anything.

A short while later, the poster says Tim found her and was "furious," claiming she "embarrassed him in front of everyone," and she "should have just said yes." She tried to explain her feelings, but the once-practically-engaged couple are now barely speaking.

She says some of her friends and family have told her she overreacted.

"I'm left wondering if this was just a case of bad timing or if it's a sign of something deeper about how Tim views our relationship," she says before asking Redditors, "[Am I the a--hole] for walking out on my own proposal because I felt like Tim made my graduation all about him?"

Nearly all replies were supportive of her position, and critical Tim's timing, his reaction, or both.

Plenty of readers had zero sympathy for Tim.

Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit
Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit

Many agreed the proposal's timing was ill-advised.

Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit
Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit

Even those who saw the proposal as well-intended couldn't defend Tim's alleged anger.

Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit
Woman Walks Out on Boyfriend After He Proposes at Graduation
u/Aware_Scratch7439 on Reddit

Across the board, readers validated the poster's feelings and urged her to trust herself.

In a final update, the woman reiterated that she had "no problem with marrying him" but was turned off by his decision to pick her special day of all days to propose.

"[C]hoosing the day which I considered important to propose and then making it all about him was where I saw the red flag," she said.

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