Pizza 911_10252024_1
A man was arrested after a woman called 911 and ordered a pizza to indicate she was being assaulted. Volusia County Sheriff's Office

Florida police officers responded in time to stop a sexual assault after a woman dialed 911 and pretended to order a pizza.

Volusia County police responded to a woman's pizza order around 3:45 a.m. on Oct. 19. When they arrived, they immediately secured the suspect, saw Luis Hernandez-Moncayo, who was on top of the victim.

The victim initially met up with Hernandez-Moncayo, a friend, for drinks, but she said his behavior changed after he used cocaine. When she felt like he was going to hurt her, she called the police to order the pizza, a police report obtained by WFTV stated.

The report stated Hernandez-Moncayo allegedly threw the victim onto the ground and choked her twice while attempting to sexually assault her multiple times. Body cam footage caught the victim telling the suspect to "get off."

The suspect claimed the victim asked for money for consensual sex.

He was arrested and taken to Volusia County jail where he was charged with battery by strangulation, false imprisonment, and attempted sexual battery.

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