A woman in Kenya confessed to having sex with snakes and eating human flesh blaming a cultic church had brainwashed her to partake in the bizarre acts. In a live radio interview on Radio Maisha’s morning show, Cecilia Wambui, 26, from Umoja Estate narrated her ordeals leaving listeners gobsmacked at her revelations.
She told radio host Emmanuel Mwashumbe that poverty forced her to commit satanic rituals in order to attract rich men. Wambui said that from age 17 to 25, she had been married around five times and bedded over 100 men.
“I was 17 when I met a driver who made a pass at me. Coming from a very poor family, I was impressed that he owned a TV, gas cooker and radio. I eloped with him but we broke up within three months”.
“I was pregnant for him but I terminated the pregnancy”, Wambui added.
That would mark her first of her many abortions saying that she was unsure of how many times she has had pregnancies terminated.
“All the men I’ve dated were well-off and they were all ‘sponsors’. I have done so many abortions I can’t recall all of them.”
In an article from The Eagle Online, Wambui’s life took a turn for the worst in 2019 after she was imprisoned for four months. While in prison, she made it her intent to change things for the better.
Wambui said she sought to get saved but was introduced to a satanic church in February 2019. She spoke of how she was spiritually tormented to have sex with spirits who took the form of snakes and eat human flesh.
She strangely became addicted to seeing gory images in the likes of dead bodies being washed in the morgue.
“I could just sit and find myself in mortuaries and burials”, Wambui revealed.
From there on, she also felt she no longer needed to sleep with men as the spirits would satisfy her sexual needs. Wambui revealed that the pastor also tormented her in her dreams
“Whenever I slept, I dreamed of the pastor telling me to touch his privates, and a black snake would appear.
“I used to enjoy it and felt it was okay. The snake would appear whenever I closed my eyes.”
Wambui said she started to get sick. However, the pastor had told her not to seek treatment at the hospital as “God would heal me”.
The church pastor by then had brainwashed her and forced her to marry a church member even if she had only known the man for three weeks. One of the church members even told her that “heaven had decided that I marry him”, Buzzgh wrote.
Wambui later realized all was not well and left the church in October 2020.
She also parted ways with her husband, who she described as being scary, as she would find him sitting on a chair and just staring at her whenever she would wake up in the middle of the night.
Refusing to name the church for fear of consequences, Wambui claimed that five other women in the church were trapped in a similar ordeal.

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