Investigators are looking into a viral video of a white student who hit her Black teacher during class. The video clip had been circulating on social media since Monday showing a student in Castleberry Independent School District in Fort Worth, Texas who struck a teacher with an open hand while yelling “ "I'm calling my momma, you ain't about to f*** me up b****!"

According to Fox News, the clip was posted on the web over the weekend which captured the teacher making call on the landline telephone on a desk. The student is seen walking to the front of the classroom toward the teacher and pressing the receiver to end the call.

As the teacher tries to remove the student’s hand from the phone, the student raises her hand and strikes the teacher on her arm. The teacher walks off as the student picks up the phone attempting to call her mother. Speaking into the receiver, the student yells: "You want to talk to her ‘cause she’s Black, and she’s f****** pissing me off right now," the girl then throws the receiver at the teacher and storms out of the classroom.

In a written statement, the Castleberry School district responded to the viral clip as it called the incident “disturbing”. They commended the teacher for her calm and professional demeanor during the encounter despite the physical aggression she received as well as the racially charged comments thrown at her.

"We first want to commend the teacher for the calm demeanor and utter professionalism she demonstrated throughout the entirety of the incident, even when the situation turned violent and offensive. We support this teacher and her response in the strongest terms possible."

The incident will be turned over to law enforcement because criminal activity had occurred, the district said. District leaders also announced they will be conducting their own investigation into the matter.

Meanwhile, the student’s mother, Brittany Evans, spoke to the media commending the teacher and said there are more things behind what the video shows. The mother revealed that her daughter is autistic, bipolar and suffers from depression with anxious distress.

Evans also said she has had several meetings with the district to allow her daughter to be placed in special education classes. The student will be subjected to a three-day suspension with the possibility of more punishement to be meted out. Her mother told WFAA she had no idea where her daughter learned the offensive language from saying that they don't use racial slang in her household.

Representation Image Female Student in Class hmerellop/ Pixabay