The 6-year-old picked up two oranges from the ground along the road beside the man's property when the man allegedly drove into him 'as punishment for stealing.' eNCA

A South African farmer is on trial for allegedly driving over a young boy who grabbed a fallen orange off the ground, breaking both of his legs.

70-year-old Christoffel Johannes Stoman accused the 6-year-old boy of stealing from his farm, and is accused of running him over intentionally to punish him.

The child, Khwezi Beukes, was accompanying his mother, Magdalene Jantijies, to shop in town when he reached through a fence for two fallen oranges, his mother told police.

In a tearful interview, Jantijies tells eCNA that Stoman drove toward them, shouting, " 'Stand there, stand there,' " she recalls. "I thought he was going to stop. He aimed directly at us in a corner, and I screamed, 'Help! Help!' He said, 'I'm going to kill you by driving into you.'"

Khwezi survived, but the collision broke both of his legs and he is currently hospitalized, awaiting surgery.

Jantijies said Stoman made no efforts to help them after the incident, and LBC reported he told police he "would do it again." Locals allege the farmer has been involved in other similar crimes.

Stoman faces two charges of attempted murder and a charge of reckless and negligent driving. He has been denied bail.

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