By 1993, McDonald's had sold more than 100 billion hamburgers. The once widespread restaurant signs that boasted the number of sales, such as this one in Harlem, were left at "99 billion" because there was only space for two digits.
By 1993, McDonald's had sold more than 100 billion hamburgers. The once widespread restaurant signs that boasted the number of sales, such as this one in Harlem, were left at "99 billion" because there was only space for two digits. Creative Commons

McDonald's held their annual shareholder's meeting last week on May 23, 2013 and the fast food giant's CEO, Don Thompson, heard from critics, in particular 9-year-old, Hannah Robertson.

The fourth grader confronted Thompson head on, asking clever questions and stating direct claims with wit and charm. She begins her statement by introducing herself and stating her age from there, she addresses McDonald's contrived nutritional value and their advertising campaigns that she believes unfairly targets children. "It would be nice if you stopped trying to trick kids into wanting to eat your food all the time," quipped Robertson. She continues to describe how she and her mother and create cooking videos that show how eating healthy and preparing nutritious meals can be fun and delicious.

Robertson's mom, Kia, runs the business "Today I Ate A Rainbow," which encourages children to make healthy food choices, and instructs parents how to prepare wholesome meals and snack for their family. Robertson continued her conversation with the McDonald's CEO discussing the trouble with ill-informed parents not instructing children on good food choices, "if parents haven't taught their kids about healthy eating, then the kids probably believe that junk food is good for them because it might taste good," said Hannah.

A continually composed Hannah finished her initial statements by asking how Thompson's feels knowing that the lack of nutritional value in fast food leads to diabetes and obesity in children.

Thompson responded to the young girls responses by at first thanking her for her question, but quickly defended McDonald's by stating, "First off, we don't sell junk food, Hannah." He continued to counter Hannah's "junk food" comments by informing her that "we sell a lot of fruits and veggies at McDonald's and are trying to sell more. He also references that while McDonald's offers burgers, fries and chicken nuggets, the fast food chain also offers, apples and fat-free milk in their "Happy Meal", and also offer salads, and grilled chicken wraps, on their regular menu.

Take a listen to the exchange between Hannah and Thompson below.

The question offered by the 9-year-old was a great question, however as the young girl read from prepared remarks, one couldn't help but wonder, who exactly was asking this question, Hannah or her mother, Kia.

Hannah specifically referenced her mother's healthy eating business, by reading from prepared notes which are clearly influenced by her mother's beliefs in healthy eating, Hannah's speech leaves the impression of a semi-advertisement.


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