35 And Single
Paula Schargorodsky, Argentine filmmaker, responsible for "35 And Single" short film. TheNewYorkTimes

Paula Schargorodsky, an Argentine filmmaker, has exposed her life in an acclaimed short film titled "35 And Single." In the mini-doc Paula shares her fight and pressure she feels for settling down with a man and starting a family. "I'm not one of those girls who is always dreaming of white dresses and babies," she narrates. Everyone around Schargorodsky's life has moved in with their boyfriend's, started having kids and getting married, while she has been to all those events but only as a witness. Paula says that she is not ready to give up her gypsy life as she is the last of her friends to be single. Her grandmother even tries to persuade her to settle and get her head out of the clouds as "it's not nice to stay alone."

"In your twenties you are free to do whatever you want, have boyfriends, lovers, one-night stands, work, study, just like men, but female freedom has an expiration date," Paula narrates. "When you turn 30 a conservative curtain falls. At every social gathering you're confronted with one silent question... When will you settle down?" She goes on to explain that she led her life very properly up until the point of choosing a boyfriend. That's when things took a tumble as she was looking for an intense and passionate love. Paula's parents divorced after 33 years of marriage and her mother remains hopeful that she will mature and make an effort to live with someone, while her dad (who has remarried) advises her that if she is looking for perfection, she will not find it.

At one point in her life she starts dating the perfect man for her family, but when it came time to marry she couldn't become the perfect wife. "Now I realized that everything I was looking for was much closer than I thought," she says. "Wether with someone or alone, in those glimpses when you love and accept yourself totally the world around you changes. In the end happiness is a choice, isn't it?" Watch '35 And Single' below and vote in our poll!

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