El Tri Yale Ad
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A hilarious new commercial for Yale Jeans shows everyday Mexicans scolding El Tri players for their dismal performance in the lead up to the World Cup 2014. Despite the fact the El Tri has qualified, many fans are still disappointed with the team's lackluster performance during the CONCAF season. The advertisement has gone viral across Mexican social media as it expresses the sentiments of a nation whose hopes rest on the 11 players traveling to Brazil next year.

El Tri players are criticized by a number of Mexican workers in the in the ad. "This is a message for the Selección on behalf of the men of Mexico," begins the commercial. The message is then delivered by a number of everyday Mexicans, from a doctor to a bartender, a businessman to a musician. "Hi Seleccion," says the ad. "Wea are the sixty million people that actually work hard at our job. How can you do this? Go to the World Cup through miracles alone. Why even bother going if you're going to play like that?"

The Yale ad proceeds to criticize El Tri's earnings and partying behavior in contrast to their on field performance. "You earn more than your rivals and you play worse than them. If we did that, we'd all be unemployed. But you spend more time making commercials than scoring goals...It's fine to celebrate, but celebrate after winning, not after losing." It ends with a warning: "The US is not going to help us again."

El Tri had a disasterous CONCAF season with the number of losses surpassed only by the number of coaching replacements. They qualified for Brazil only by beatin New Zealand in a qualifiying play off.

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