Jorge Ramos has a rocky history with Donald Trump as the Univision news anchor has been very vocal against the POTUS. The journalist was one of the presenters of Premio Lo Nuestro 2017 and used the platform to send a powerful message about what Latinos do in this country. "I am an immigrant as many of you here," he said to the crowd. "I am a proud Latino immigrant here in the United States and I work for Univision and the Fusion network."
"There are many people that don't want us here and want to build a wall to seperate us, but you know what? This is our country too, not theirs, it is our country and we will not allow this. We are close to 60 million Latinos in the United States and thanks to all of us the United States eats, grows, sings and dances. That is why when we get attacked, we will not sit down, we will not stay quiet and we will not leave." Watch the Jorge Ramos message in the video below and tell us what you think!
"Este también es nuestro país y no nos vamos a dejar, no nos vamos a callar", el mensaje de @jorgeramosnews en #PremioLoNuestro. pic.twitter.com/ZxAKM8kWOv
— Univision Noticias (@UniNoticias) February 24, 2017
From the start of Donald Trump's campaign, he has had it against latinos and during one of his press conferences, he was confronted by Ramos. His confrontation got him kicked out of the room.
"Sit down, you weren't called. Go back to Univision," Trump said as Ramos tried to ask a question that the candidate saw as being out of turn. Trump insisted that Ramos was “out of order” when several reporters asked him about the incident later. "You can't just stand up and scream. He's obviously a very emotional person. So I have no problem with it," Trump said later. Ramos and Trump were having an exchange on immigration when the Univision reporter said, "You cannot deport 11 million people, you cannot build a wall, you cannot deny citizenship to children in this country," before security approached him. "You cannot touch me sir, I have the right to ask a question," Ramos told security as they escorted him out.
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