December is here and for those who celebrate the holiday that means watching a number of classic Christmas specials. For some there is one Christmas special that without a viewing, would leave the holiday feeling empty. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a holiday tradition. Every year ABC airs the Peanuts TV short and reminds us that Christmas is more than a commercial shopping holiday. First released on Dec. 9, 1965 the 25-minute short follows Charlie Brown as he tries to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
Upset over the commercial turn Christmas has taken Charlie Brown goes in search of some Christmas spirit. Lucy, Charlie Brown's football moving friend suggests the boy get some holiday cheer by becoming the director of the school Christmas pageant. Charlie is excited about his new role but quickly realizes putting on a quality play is going to be harder than it sounds. Charlie Brown and Linus go off to find the perfect Christmas tree to showcase in their play. While the rest of the ensemble wants a big aluminum tree Charlie Brown has other ideas.
Returning to the auditorium with what could be considered a wimpy tree the Peanuts crew makes Charlie Brown feel guilty about his purchase. All the beagle owning kid wants to know is, what is the true meaning of Christmas? Linus, Charlie's blanket toting pal recites Luke 2:8-14 from the Kings James bible. Interesting trivia about Linus speech is, that while Linus is always reluctant to give up his security blanket he lets go of it while speaking the line: "Fear not: For behold I bring you tiding of great joy."
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" was the first animated Peanuts special. It airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.
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