There is so much speculation surrounding the bloodbath expected to take place during the finale of “The Walking Dead” Season 9. There will be multiple casualties, and half of them are going to be major characters. The show has heavily hinted on some upcoming deaths, but is there any way to know for sure who is safe and who isn't?
With the finale drawing closer, let’s look at the possibility of each character’s head ending up on a pike. To do this, it is important to look back to see how “The Walking Dead” handles deaths.
Fans know that the show likes the old switcheroo and the shock factor. The show has also developed the reputation of giving side characters extra screen time enough for viewers to get to know them before they kill them off. It is for this reason that Hilltop soldier Kal and former-Savior-turned-Alexandria-council-member Laura are in serious danger.
Another thing to consider is that “The Walking Dead” series has taken liberties in adapting the source material. Carl got the boot last season even though he is currently alive and integral more than ever in the comics. And then there were those times when the show followed the path of the graphic novel. The series gave Glenn his brutal comic book death after fans were led to believe that he isn't going anywhere. So these are the things that need to be considered.
Also worth noting is the recent set photo of “The Walking Dead” Season 9, which seems to show only eight pikes instead of the comics’ 12. This doesn't really come as a surprise since the show won’t be able to handle a dozen character deaths.
Now that the stage is set, it's time to examine the odds of characters being killed by the end of the season.
1. Daryl and Carol (duh!)
Daryl is the new main protagonist. Of course, the bow-wielding badass isn't going to be killed anytime soon!
Likewise, as the only other original character left, Carol will be a much-needed presence in “The Walking Dead” moving forward — that and the fact that Melissa McBride just signed a three-year contract.
2. Michonne (that's a big bowl of no)
While it has been announced that Danai Gurira is leaving “The Walking Dead,” she is still signed on for another season. Clearly, the katana-wielding badass will get out of this fair with her head still attached to her body. Plus she's Michonne! If she gets written off the show, the circumstances it will involve will likely have something to do with finding Rick.
3. Negan (there's no way)
Although many fans believe the character has overstayed his welcome, Negan is likely going to be around for the long haul, whether viewers want it or not. Come to think of it, he still doesn't seem to know about the Whisperers, but he is probably going to be a key player in all this.
“The Walking Dead” Season 9 is all about his redemption, and what better way to show Michonne that he’s a changed man than by helping them win the war? He is serious about proving himself, so it will be interesting to see how far that goes.
4. Tara (not going anywhere)
Someone has to lead Hilltop with Jesus sadly no longer around. Before the unexpected death of the Hilltop leader, she was being built up to be his successor. In fact, this is literally her big story arc this season. She hasn't been integral to the plot in the recent runs. Thankfully, Season 9 has changed that with a slightly better material for Alanna Masterson to work with.
There's so much growth ahead of Tara as a leader. She also hasn't been really close to anyone particularly, so losing her at this point in the story just wouldn't make sense. Fans also tend to forget that Tara has been around since Season 4 of “The Walking Dead.” Who could blame them? Having her around is also just a nice reminder of Glenn, who was the one who took her in.
5. Rosita (potentially safe)
“The Walking Dead” has pretty much been close to recreating Rosita’s storyline in the comics to the point that it scares the character’s fans. The only change in the TV show is that she is stuck in a love kite instead of a love triangle. Like her comic book counterpart, however, she's got a bun in the oven. So, really, the only thing that’s left in the checklist is her head on a pike.
But would AMC really kill a pregnant woman? That would be crazy. After all, it looks like it is building its next generation of survivors anyway, so that baby has to be alive. Besides, many believe she deserves so much better. They aren't really all in with her story arc in Season 9.
A lot of people are under the impression that Rosita has been sleeping around. Even though it happened before she got together with Gabriel, fans don't think that this is the best way to wrap up her story.
Even though there is a time jump between the winter finale and the midseason premiere, some parts of “The Walking Dead” didn't seem to reflect that. Her fling with Siddiq clearly isn't all that long ago because she seems to be just a few weeks pregnant.
6. Father Gabriel (might get Rosita’s comic book death)
Many fans speculate that one of the men lovestruck by Rosita might be killed off in the Season 9 finale. The show hasn't given enough clues to determine which one, but assuming Siddiq is safe for the reasons above, Father Gabriel might just get Rosita's comic book death instead — only because he is ready to commit to raising a child with her even though Eugene seems to be more thrilled to do it.
7. Eugene (more likely to die than Father Gabriel)
It feels like forever since fans met the smarty pants with a mullet, but it was only this season that it was revealed he was actually “head over hammertoes” with Rosita. He even convinced her not-baby-daddy Gabriel to raise Rosita and Siddiq's child with her.
Come to think of it, this might be the clue about his fate. With his charts, scoring rubric and evaluative criteria, he prevents Rosita and Gabriel's breakup and gave this new baby a chance to have three parents. Now that's a remarkable way to wrap up the story of someone who was once selfish and a coward. If he dies in “The Walking Dead” Season 9 finale, Rosita's little family will definitely be affected moving forward.
8. Aaron (probably safe)
Aaron has lost so much (including his arm) ever since he first recruited Rick's crew to Alexandria in Season 5, but it seems that his story isn't done yet. He is one of the people originally from the community. When Michonne leaves, he's probably going to be the one assuming leadership. After all, he seems to finally have a good handle of the stressful decision-making that comes with the job.
9. Enid (a doctor has to die)
“The Walking Dead” has a love-and-hate relationship with doctors on the show. For some reason, the zombie series doesn’t want two doctors around at the same time. So when a new one is in, it is almost a guarantee that the other is out. Going by that idea, either Enid or Siddiq is doomed. Sadly, the signs point to her.
All this time, she has been trying to live out the life Carl wanted her to live. She once again talked about Carl in a recent Season 9 episode as she tried to convince Henry to give up Lydia to Alpha. She seemed to have finally allowed herself to be truly happy after Carl died by being with Alden. Now that the lesson is learned, she might be a goner.
It would also feel like a disservice to Carl's death (which a lot of people didn't really take well) if Siddiq, the person he died trying to save, will follow him not long after.
In the comics, Dr. Carson was one of the pike victims. Could Enid be the one dying in his place?
10. Ezekiel (doomed for sure)
Ezekiel is part of the lineup of casualties in the comics, and it looks like his comic book death is going to stick. This appears to be a death that a majority of fans believe will happen. It is expected to be one of the bigger deaths on “The Walking Dead” Season 9 finale.
There are a lot of reasons to believe the King's days are numbered. Throughout the season, Ezekiel has only had two goals — to try to stop himself from calling Carol his queen and to bring all the communities together. He will do so using a trade fair that he believes will allow everybody to start anew. He will likely succeed, but he might not be there to see it all.
A previous “The Walking Dead” Season 9 episode pretty much guaranteed his death, however. This is after he led a heist at a movie theater to ge a projector bulb for the trade. Sadly, this place happens to be walker territory, and they don't like trespassers.
But the final nail in the coffin? The guy is in a relationship with Carol! Fans know very well that she isn’t very lucky in love, or more accurately the men she falls in love with always end up dead (it’s probably best she and Daryl stay friends). If Ezekiel is doomed, poor Carol is gonna lose it, and an Alpha vs. Carol showdown will be epic!
11. Dog (would be an unforgivable death but will make sense)
It will be pretty messed up for “The Walking Dead” Season 9 to kill Daryl's canine friend, but the show didn't think twice about offing Shiva. With Daryl as the new lead of the series, this will be the most personal kill for him.
Of all the remaining characters, Carol is the one he is closest too. However, she is most likely safe, so there isn't really anyone else around that he has become really close to. This is probably why he and Connie worked together with Dog to get Lydia and Henry. The two would make a great rescue or tracking team.
Admittedly, seeing Dog's head on a pike will be weird and sad. But fans can count on Alpha's repeated reminder that she trusts animals. Maybe she'll spare the good boy.
12. Yumiko and Magna (alive another season at least)
These two are unique enough to enrich the storytelling moving forward. Yumiko could very well develop a connection with Tara. Also, “The Walking Dead” loves its archers. Magna, on the other hand, is looking to be a character with the most potential to be in it for the haul. She might even make a friend in Alden if Enid doesn't make it. If their fate in the comics is to be followed, both characters will come out of the Whisperer war unscathed.
13. Connie (most likely safe)
This character provides a lot of storytelling potential for “The Walking Dead” Season 10 and beyond. Connie has a unique skill set that might make her an asset. She also has a weakness that will make for an awesome suspense.
It seems like the show has plans for her, anyway. Her recent successful team-up with Daryl seems to hint that the two might get to know each other more and grow closer. That's probably a good thing because her sister might not be around for much longer.
14. Kelly (in big trouble)
If a member of Magna’s new group has to die, it will likely be her. It was revealed out of nowhere that it was Luke who found her and helped her. This is why she was so adamant to bring him back even if it means crossing the Whisperers.
It sounds like she is ready to sacrifice herself. Perhaps she will have more chance to show this when the survivors get in trouble again with Alpha's group. If she and Dog are killed, it would allow Daryl and Connie to connect.
15. Luke (very likely to die but not if Dan Fogler has anything to say about it)
Luke is part of the pike lineup in the comics, so there's a good chance his TV counterpart will be too. While Fogler’s popularity just might buy the character at least one more season, it is hard to see that happening the way the character was written.
It’s been almost a decade since the virus, but he still has a starry-eyed view of the world and is still stuck in the past. He just doesn’t fit that dank “The Walking Dead” worldview. While the characters get a taste of happiness every now and then, it is always short-lived. Then again his optimism and love for art just might be what the new world that Rick envisioned needs.
16. Tammy (totally getting the boot)
The character died at the hands of the Whisperers in the comics as well. She’s also been getting a lot of screen time for a secondary character, which is the show’s way of saying that this person is not safe.
But perhaps “The Walking Dead” Season 9 Episode 11 cemented her death. She expressed worry of losing her husband, Earl, if he doesn't start minding his health. She also had this longing look after they held the baby that Connie saved.
17. Alden (honestly, this one's tough)
Alden has been around for just a couple of seasons. He's a voice of reason with a great singing voice too! “The Walking Dead” won't mention that if fans won't hear the guy sing! He might as well find a new hobby anyway because he might practically find himself in the same position Enid was in when Carl died.
18. Henry (uncertain)
Henry is basically taking over the role of Carl for this arc in the comics. That might be enough to keep him out of harm's way, but Judith's presence doesn't assure that. Judith will always be available to continue his older brother's story arc in the comics. With rumors that Henry might be dying at the fair, that's not out of the question.
19. Jerry (hopefully safe but it's not looking good)
A recent Season 9 episode may have given viewers a reason to worry about Jerry. More recently, however, fans learned more about his family. And if there’s one thing that “The Walking Dead” does, it’s to build up a character then rip people's heart out by taking him away. This is definitely one of those cases.
For the longest time, he has been known as the King’s right-hand man. But recently, fans met his wife and daughter. For crying out loud, the guy is going to be a dad again! Remember someone who was about to be a father before his head was beaten to a pulp?
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