Rumors of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin's failing health may just be a proven fact as Kremlin insiders said he will no longer be attending meetings. The General SVR Telegram channel recently made claims that the Russian tyrant is “seeking to shut down” their services as senior officials will reportedly explain in the coming weeks Putin’s absences and blame it on the recurring Covid pandemic that requires him to remain in isolation.

The channel, which is reputedly anti-Russian government, has made claims that Putin is indeed enduring a battle with cancer despite past claims that he is also suffering from Parkinson’s disease. At some point, it was also said that Putin was manifesting a schizoaffective disorder, Express reported.

“With a high degree of probability, we can say that soon the President will not be able to personally hold meetings and participate in large events," the channel claimed.

Sources have also remarked that Putin’s lead security advisor, Nikolai Patrushev has told the leader to find a way out of Russia’s current situation. Since then, Kremlin insiders said Putin is now caught between a rock and a hard spot with his invasion of Ukraine. Word has it the leader is undecided about accepting his defeat as he may be contemplating resorting to the use of nuclear weapons as desperate means to stay ahead of his offensives.

With Putin seemingly running out of good options in his war, SVR Telegram said Putin has privately voiced his extreme choice decisions with his senior officials. This could mean the surrender of Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine as Crimea faced a recent drone attack by a Ukrainian military counterstrike. Russian defense chiefs have weighed out the attack to be quite effective.

The channel went on to say that Russian government officials are scrambling to discuss its various options on how to proceed with its military operations in Ukraine. One of the options on the table is the possible mobilization and use of tactical nuclear weapons. Opening a second front in a third country was also up for deliberation as well as implementing “gestures of goodwill” by returning Russian-occupied regions back to Ukraine.

However, SVR Telegram also stated that such a move and the surrender of these regions could signal the end of Putin’s reign. With Russia’s military suffering huge losses both in ground troops and weapons, the entire Russian military leadership is said to have cast all its blame on their leader

Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin seen during the Summit of Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) at the Grand Kremlin Palace, May,16,2022, in Moscow, Russia. Leaders of post-Soviet states have gathered at the Kremlin for the summit of CSTO marking its 30th anniversary this year. Photo by Contributor/Getty Images

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