Attract Your Desired Future Creating Your Vision Map For 2018 Getty Images

Imagine just for a moment that we can make all our desires come true, that only by wishing anything we can see it manifested before our eyes, what would be your first wish? And if you had to choose only one wish, what would it be?

Seeing it with the eyes of abundance, which is the inseparable companion of prosperity, it doesn’t really matter what your first wish is, because you can have them all and the idea that we can be granted only one desire is contrary to our essence of full beings and even then we can choose to have all our wishes fulfilled.

According to Spiritual and Motivational Coach, Rocio Regalado, prosperity is a state of consciousness, and as such it needs to be nourished by positive thoughts in order to be able to manifest. It happens that some people want, think, feel and express themselves in a very limited way and that connects them to a lack of consciousness, which is contrary to nature.

So, why, if we have an unlimited reserve of what is most valuable for life, do we tend to believe that we are lacking in so many things? Has that question ever been asked? If not, it may have been the reason why prosperity is not a permanent part of your life.

Regalado ensures that prosperous people are aware of the abundance that exists around them and are grateful for it. This little detail can be the difference between desire and manifest. If we adopt the definition: "Prosperity is the ability to create what is necessary at the right time," which does contradict the original definition but is better, suited to our approach, according to the expert. We have an unlimited supply of oxygen, water and solar energy on this planet, it is not ours but we can take what we need at the time we need.

Rocio also suggests that life gives us not what we fancy whimsically but what we really need. It does so from a plan that we often fail to perceive and that is destined to make us grow and be able to express everything that we carry within us in a potential way and that otherwise would never have the opportunity to manifest.

How can we allow prosperity to manifest itself in our lives? It is very simple, according to Rocio. Let's begin by reviewing our way of thinking as mentioned above and be grateful for all we are fortunate to have so many unlimited resources at our disposal, for our ability to create our reality and for all the wonderful things that we carry inside and we can manifest without any effort, and we begin to trust in this capacity.

  • Steps To Create Your Goal Board For 2018: The perfect tool used to help concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal.
Vision Board
Vision board position is suggested by Rocio Regalado. Latin Times
  1. Your intentions must be clear, without ego or attachment to any person or material thing of your past.
  2. Start creating the columns of HEALTH, FAMILY TIES and SOCIAL LIFE. If you have personal photos in good harmony, you can use those. Do not place pictures of deceased people, or images of friendships that are 3 people.
  3. Then under that picture WEALTH and PROSPERITY. Images of cash, a large waterfall, Chinese coins in photos, coins and bills from different nations, an image of yours in the center of all this.
  4. Below, continue with KNOWLEDGE and CULTURE. An image of a green mountain that has a peak (not volcanoes), courses, diplomas or workshops that you want to take and an image of someone successful and famous, who is not dead, who has a lot of money. Also a spiritual symbol, like Buddha, an elephant or something that manifests spirituality for you, should be added.
  5. In the column of the center proceed to put FAME and REPUTATION. Here, paste another photo of yourself, scrolls of recognitions, medals obtained if you do sports, prizes or symbols of the same, also place the living figure of a famous being that has happy or full life. For Rocio Regalado, it is very important to remember that pictures of dead people should never be placed. According to the coach, if you cut and paste an Oscar statuette, and you are an actor, an actress or an aspirant, do not put a deceased actor or one who has achieved the maximum award, but is currently sad, abandoned or depressed.
  6. In the center and below where FAME is placed, you must paste a picture of yourself in a state of peace and serenity and you can place the Buddha of meditation.
  7. Following the order, WORK and NEW WORK GOALS. Here you can put a photo of your space or cubicle where you work properly organized or look for an image of an office that you idealize for the near and immediate future, if you want it facing to the ocean, do it, if you want a lower level office, too, paste anything that make you feel comfortable.
  8. Facing you on the map and on the right side horizontally and in the third column goes the area of ​​ LOVE and SELF-ESTEEM. Love as we all know must be our own, if you don’t love you, no one else will love you, and you should be in a non-selfish fluid way. Cut and paste two Pekingese duck, even if you are married, try to make the ducks face each other. Then place a picture of you and your couple happy. if you don’t have a partner and wish a commitment or a serious relationship then do the following: Place a picture of you, looking happy, next to an image of the partner you want in your life. In addition, the symbol of a very nice pink quartz, arras, and write beautiful words for both, yourself and your existing or future partner.
  9. Under love goes the CREATIVITY and CHILDREN. For this line it is good if you have children to put them happy and healthy in photos in which they don’t look like crying or with sad faces. The number of children you put reflects the amount you want to have. Place the image or the symbol of a star, a rainbow, and project that you want to materialize. According to Regalado, if you are a writer, place an image of a Pulitzer Prize and if you are a publicist an image of the Cannes prize, detail the project or place symbols of it, such as the logo, etc.
  10. Finally, PROFESSIONAL MENTORS and TRAVEL. Place the image of your mentor or an image of who you consider contributing in your life, of your social life place an image or photo of your select group of friends in a state of joy and harmony, as well as the image of a dinner outside with lights, or a lunch. Your passport photo, and identify each country you want to go, paste your museums or places you want to know or return.

After you finish the map it's time to start manifesting. Rocio adds that by consciously connecting with prosperity, it becomes a natural consequence of working in harmony with the laws of the universe.

Standing in front of the map you should say:

  • I (name) manifest and decree that I’m going to reach (indicate quantity) of clients in divine order, here and now.
  • I (name) manifest and decree the loving union with my partner, who loves me and I love, here and now.
  • I (name) manifest and decree a trip to (indicate place) for the month of (indicate full date) in divine order, here and now.
  • I (name) manifest and decree to have in my savings account (indicate amount) of dollars or euros, in divine order here and now.
Rocio Regalado
Live a life full of purpose in 2018, and attract your desired future with the powerful and effective tools that Spiritual and Motivational Coach Rocio Regalado is enlisting with Latin Times. Courtesy

Rocio Regalado is a Dominican Spiritual and Motivational Coach, founder of Look Inside Life Tools. As a coach, Regalado offer her services of personal development and can be reached at and

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