It is sad to say but must of us have had a boyfriend or girlfriend who cheated. When you find out your special someone has been messing around with another girl/guy you can react one of two ways. There is the path less traveled of remaining calm and exiting the relationship with dignity. Or you could go the more traditional route, yell, scream and break things belonging to your partner.
One woman who remains anonymous learned of her cheating boyfriend and reacted in a way people have described as EPIC. The woman wrote her now ex-boyfriend a letter describing the way she found out he was cheating with someone named Kelsi. Now this may not seem like an original idea but when you read the letter you will realize this girl is a genius.
"Guess who left his Facebook open on the computer and got a message from Kelsi? The author asks. "Yeah! You!"
The woman who wrote the now viral break up letter goes on to say that she did not break any of her boyfriend's things but rather took the time to carefully pack his belongs for him. Now here is where it gets interesting.
"I was nice enough to pack your things," she writes. "And I even invented a neat game, since I know how you like looking for things (like other girls). Here's where you can find your stuff."
The author of the viral break up letter, written in blood red ink by the way, lists the various places she left her ex's belongings. Next to each item on the list the girl drew little red hearts.
"Your cloths are where we first met!"
"Your video games are where we first kissed!
"Your laptop is where we bought our first video game together!
"Your T.V is where we went "all the way," and "everything else, including pictures of the last two years of our lives is at Kelsi's house."
This girl came up with what has to be the best way to get back at a cheating boyfriend. She closes the letter by restating she did not break any of his belongings but cannot guarantee that they are safe where she left them.
"Happy hunting," she writes at the end.
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