Víctor Diego works at Eva Longoria's Restaurant El Beso
Víctor Diego works at Eva Longoria's Restaurant Beso. CBS Screenshot

Eva Longoria opened her restaurant "Beso" in 2008, and it's become a Hollywood desired location for a romantic, eclectic and contemporary dining experience. Their menu is a fusion of classic steakhouse and authentic Latin dishes. They have an open kitchen with a white oak wood burning oven, which attracts a lot of diners, and a baby grand piano at the main bar used to entertain with classic and contemporary hits. The wine list is impeccable and most cocktails are made from muddled fruit and unique tequilas, and a very popular drink is their sangria.

Víctor Diego enjoyed preparing those special drinks and seeing how pleased the customers were. Little did he know that after all that joy that came from working in such a respected restaurant, he would have the most horrifying experience of his life.

After working his shift at Eva Longoria's restaurant, the barista was meeting some friends but he never made it. As he was walking towards the Metro station on Hollywood Boulevard he was attacked by a group of men who left him with two fractured ribs, a shattered cheekbone and a broken jaw.

Diego's family are calling the attack a hate crime because he's gay and transgender. Virginia Diego, Víctor's sister told CBS News that she thinks her brother was targeted because he was dressed in drag. "Sometimes men try to talk to him and they get humiliated in front of their friends when they realize it's a man because he looks really good, he looks like a woman, you couldn't tell the difference."

"He was basically left for dead just because of who he is," Virginia continued. "His temple was kicked in, so now they have to operate on the side of his head."

Víctor Diego's other sister, Melissa, weighed in. "We don't want this to happen to anybody else. We just want somebody to come forward and let us know what they saw. He deserves justice. He definitely did not deserve this."

According to Diego's sisters, the Los Angeles Police Department's Hollywood Division is investigating the beating as a hate crime. The victim remains hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and although his sisters refer to him as transgender, WENN reports that he is "in the process of becoming a woman."

Eva Longoria took it to Twitter when she found out about the news, retweeting a message from the Transgender Law Center, and later replying to a tweet by Miami Living Magazine. "My heart and prayers are with Víctor Diego and his family," she wrote.

Later, the Transgender Law Center thanked Longoria for her support towards the community.

Unfortunately, there's recently been a series of attacks targeting LBGT people, which has sparked some outrage in many cities. Nick Porto and Kevin Atkins were targeted outside of Madison Square Garden on May 5, and that same week, another man who was leaving a gay bar in New York's West Village was a victim of a beating. A few days later, two unidentified men were beat up in Port Authority and one of them was so hurt that ended up needing eye surgery.

Like Eva Longoria and the thousands that have commented on Twitter, our hearts and prayers go to Víctor Diego and his family.

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