Immigration Reform
A man holds a sign during a rally for immigration reform near Senator Dianne Feinstein's office in April. Reuters

With just a few days left on the Congressional calendar, immigration reform isn't going anywhere in 2013. But those who have questions about what the White House plans to do about it in 2014 might be able to find an outlet on Twitter. On Wednesday afternoon, Vice President Joe Biden and Cecilia Muñoz, a former director of the National Council of La Raza and current domestic policy advisor to President Barack Obama, will be answering questions from the American public on immigration reform via Bing and Skype. The White House says the two will speak with people from around the country via live Skype Video Call and answer questions submitted through Skype Video and Twitter.

If you've got a question about immigration reform - one of the nation's most divisive and long-discussed reforms, as might be noted by the tone of some of the Twitter questions coming through now -- for either Biden or Muñoz, you can tweet it to #AskTheWhiteHouse or ask it by Skype Video Message now. But be quick about it - they're slated to take up the conversation live on Wednesday, Dec. 11th at 3:45pm EST. Tune in to watch their responses at or at

Biden has joined Obama in ramping up calls for House Republicans to act on immigration reform either by voting on the comprehensive bill passed by the Senate in June - which House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) says he won't introduce - or by scheduling a vote on a series of their own immigration reform bills. The vice president recently paid a visit to a group of fasters for immigration reform on the National Mall in D.C., telling them, "As my father would say, come hell or high water, we're going to win this."

RELATED: With Immigration Reform Dead In 2013, Fasters Pack Up And Activists' Pressure On House GOP Turns Bitter

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