Each year on November 11, United States celebrates Veterans Day. This is an official federal holiday that honors the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as Veterans. In other parts of the world, this day is called Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, because this day marks the anniversary of the end of World War I, as the majority of the hostilities were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.
On Veterans Day we celebrate the service of all the U.S. military veterans, which is not to be confused with Memorial Day, a day to remember the men and women who died while serving. In honor of those patriotic men and women who risked their lives so that our country could be better, here are 5 prayers to ask God to guard them, protect them and always bless them for the fine job they’ve done.
“Almighty God, You are our Creator and Sustainer. You are our Light and our Fortress. You are our Wisdom and our Strength. Lord, you moved upon men to establish this great nation. You stirred men to hope and to dream for a land of freedom. We praise you for this great nation. Lord, you have inspired many of our best and brightest to volunteer to proudly stand and defend our beloved country. You have given us brave and loyal men and women who have steadfastly served in their chosen branch of our military. We gather today to remember our military personnel. We acknowledge that their service enables us to walk as free men and women in this great land. Lord, today we seek to honor your sons and daughters who have served or who are serving our country.
We are reminded that because of their service we can live in safety. We ask that you abundantly bless those who have previously served. May their service time be rewarded in every way. May they gain earthly and heavenly blessings from their unselfish love of country. Lord, we stop now and remember those who are currently serving. We ask that you provide them with your protection, your strength, and your peace. We ask that you would abundantly provide for all their needs. We ask that you would enable them to overcome every personal and professional obstacle. We ask that you would protect their families from hurt and harm.
May each of our veterans feel honored not just today but every day. Father, we also give special recognition to our wounded warriors. We realize that many of our heroes are dealing with physical and emotional wounds that occurred as a result of their time of service to our country. We ask that they would be given the best treatments available and that you would add your supernatural blessings to all the efforts given to them to help them. We ask that you, Lord, would show them miracles as they seek to gain health, stability, and wholeness. We pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.” (Beth McLendon)
“Compassionate God, Source of Mercy, we pay tribute to those who have served our country, to express our gratitude for their courage and selflessness, both those among us today and those of generations past. This nation, built by those born of this soil and those who have come here from all the corners of the earth, is on a continual journey toward its destiny. May we never let down those who have served in defense of this country. May we uphold the values of freedom, of the inherent dignity of every human being, by our own right conduct, by the kindness and tolerance we show to one another. May we lead the world by example, and become, in the words of Isaiah, a light to the nations. Then will the labors and sacrifices of these veterans be honored not in words alone, but by our deeds.” (Rabbi Dr. Laurence Milder)
“Dear Lord, Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect their country. We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us. Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made, for their many different contributions to America’s victories over tyranny and oppression. We respect them, we thank them, we honor them, we are proud of them, and we pray that you will watch over these special people and bless them with peace and happiness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.” (Joanna Fuchs)
“God of all nations, you are our Strength and Shield. We give you thanks today for the devotion and courage of all those who have offered military service for this country. For those who have fought for freedom; For those who have laid down their lives for others; For those who have borne suffering of mind or of body; For those who have brought their best gifts to times of need. God, in your mercy and love, we thank you for their lives. On our behalf, oh God, many have entered into danger, endured separation from those they love, labored long hours and born hardship in war and in peacetime.
God, in your mercy and love, we thank you for their lives. We ask today that you would lift up by your Spirit those who are now at war; encourage and heal those in hospitals or mending their wounds at home; guard those in any need or trouble; hold safely in your hands all military families and bring the returning troops to joyful reunion and tranquil life at home. Give to us, your people, grateful hearts and a united will to honor these men and women and hold them always in our love and our prayers until your world is perfected in peace and all wars cease. Through Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.” (Rev. Dr. Jennifer Phillips)
“God of compassion, God of dignity and strength, Watch over the veterans of the United States In recognition of their loyal service to our nation. Bless them with wholeness and love. Shelter them. Heal their wounds. Comfort their hearts. Grant them peace. God of justice and truth, Rock of our lives, Bless our veterans, These men and women of courage and valor, With a deep and abiding understanding Of our profound gratitude. Protect them and their families from loneliness and want. Grant them lives of joy and bounty. May their dedication and honor Be remembered as a blessing From generation to generation. Blessed are You, Protector and Redeemer, Our Shield and our Stronghold.” (Alden Solovy)
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