TWA Crash
Documentary makers claim to have evidence prove the 1996 crash was not an accident. screen shot ABC

Six members of the team that investigated the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800 say the official explanation as to the cause of the crash is wrong. In a new documentary set to air on the cable network EPIX next month the six members of the team will offer their explanation as to what really happened when the plane went down 17-years ago.

On July 17, 1996 TWA Flight 800 a Boeing 747 aircraft took off from JFK Airport with 230 passengers. The flight was headed to Paris, France when it inexplicably exploded and crashed off the cost of Long Island killing everyone on board the plane.

After an investigation was conducted the official word was the TWA 800 crash was caused by a fuel tank explosion. Now "six whistle blowers" as Fox News has described them are saying the official story is wrong and that they know the truth.

Following the TWA 800 crash conspiracy theories were abundant. One theory in particular said that the plane did not crash as a result of an internal fuel explosion, but rather an external missile strike.

According to CNN witnesses at the time of the crash said they saw the plane explode from the outside not the inside. The producers of the TWA 800 crash documentary spoke with CNN explaining their evidence and why they believe the official story is wrong.

"Of course, everyone knows about the eyewitness statements," Tom Stalcup told CNN's "News Day." "But we also have corroborating information from the radar data, and the radar data shows an asymmetric explosion coming out of that plane-something that didn't happen in the official theory."

Stalcup added, "A number of people have come forward all saying the same thing: that there was an external force-not from the center wing tank, there's no evidence of that-but there is evidence of an external explosion that brought down that plane."

Since news of the TWA 800 crash documentary came out a petition has been going around trying to get the authorities to reopen the official investigation. The NTSB and the FAA both originally investigated the plane crash and came to the determination the crash was a result of a fuel explosion.

Now, according to the Washington Post a spokesperson from NTSB has come forward saying the petition is under review and while it is not their policy to reinvestigate a case they never consider an investigation closed and can at any time review one if they deem it necessary.


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