Madelyn Rodriguez was born in Queens, New York, from Dominican parents. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Print Journalism from Brooklyn College. At City College she took Literature graduate classes in Spanish and studied American Sign Language at Lexington School for the Deaf. Rodriguez is a broadcast journalist, executive producer, radio personality and writer. She is a television personality for the show Acceso Total that airs on Telemundo 47 New York, she primarily does the legal segments of the show with famous lawyer Jose Ginarte.
Rodriguez is the executive producer and host of the popular Christian television show "Guerreros De Dios" in English "Warriors of God" that airs on the channel 463 Alerta TV International and viewed in the U.S. and globally, Saturdays 12:30pm-1:30pm.Madelyn recently published her first book titled "The Stairway to Heaven: How God speaks through Dreams, Visions and Revelations" in the book she describes her personal experiences with God, angels, dreams of heaven and prophetic visions and revelations about the future of humanity. Latin Times spoke to Madelyn about the launch of her new book and inspiration behind it.
Latin Times: Many well-known people and even celebrities are open about their religion for example the Vice President of Sony Pictures DeVon Franklin. Do you think being open about a particular religion can in a way affect your career? If, not why?
Madelyn Rodriguez: I think it shouldn’t because everyone has the right to their spiritual belief. I don’t think we should be judged based on our beliefs but based on our talents. Our career and our spiritual life should be separated and respected.
LT: You have a background in Television, production and writing. What inspired you to write this book?
MR: God inspired me to write “The Stairway to Heaven: How God speaks through dreams, visions and revelations.” In the summer of 2010 my life was falling apart, I was feeling very desperate and devastated. I had tried everything I could think of, I would read motivational books and DVDs, philosophy books and all kinds of books to help my spiritual life. But I didn’t find anything that would heal the pain and confusion I felt inside. One day I decided to say Jesus if you are real please manifest yourself into my life. A few days after I had said that, I went to a book store and found it in my spirit to purchase a book that explains the stories from the Bible. Weeks later I started working for a radio station and my boss happened to be Christian and he invited me to his Church. The day that I went I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit over me and ever since I’ve been addicted to His presence. When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He started talking to me through dreams and visions. At first I thought it was my imagination but I started noticing that the dreams I would have about people or certain situations would occur hours, days or months later. I didn’t know how real our living God is and how amazing it is to see Him or hear His voice through dreams or visions. I thought the supernatural experiences were to be seen only in movies not in real life. God is great and receiving divine revelations from Him is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my life has been the best decision.
LT: You also produce your own TV show and host it. What is this show about and what message are you trying to send with this project.
MR: The show is called “Guerreros de Dios” in English “God’s Warriors”; I am Host and Executive Producer of this show. We interview pastors, evangelists, politicians, celebrities and influential people about current events. The main purpose of the show is for people to learn about Jesus and that He is the only way to Salvation. Also, to help people restore their lives through having a relationship with Jesus and reading the Bible. Some of our topics include “End Time Prophecies”, “Dreams and Visions”, “How to live a blessed life” and “How to create and have a relationship with Jesus”.
LT: What do you wish to accomplish with your book “Las Escaleras Hacia El Cielo?
MR: I want people to know that God speaks through dreams and visions, He is a speaking God and He speaks all the time, but we must learn how to hear His voice. There are three voices, God’s, the devil and ours, and we must learn how to discern in the spirit where our dreams, visions and revelations are truly coming from. God created us to have a relationship with Him and He wants to communicate His love to us every day and guide us to His perfect will. God is a living God He hears our prayers and He wants us to walk in the supernatural realm. Right now I am in the process of translating it to English. My book is available on or visit my website
LT: In 10 years from now what do you see yourself doing? Are you planning on writing more books?
MR: Yes, I love writing and do hope to be able to write many more books related to the Bible, Christianity and the spiritual realm. Also I would like to preach the Word of God in different countries and have the opportunity to help the poor and be used by God as an instrument to help heal those in spiritual need.
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