Jorge Ramos defied Donald Trump
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The announcement of Jorge Ramos' departure from Univision, scheduled for December 2024, has generated mixed reactions on social media from followers, critics, colleagues, and the general public.

After almost 40 years at the helm of Noticiero Univision and his interview program Al Punto, Ramos and the U.S.-based Spanish-language TV network announced that his contract would not be renewed.

Ramos' departure from Univision marks the end of an illustrious career that saw him conduct challenging interviews with world leaders and take a firm stance on political and human rights issues. Reactions have been mostly filled with sadness and respect for Ramos's legacy. Many see him as a cornerstone of Hispanic journalism in the United States and mourn the departure of one of television's last icons of intelligent journalism.

However, some have accused him of being too biased and confrontational. Others speculate about the reasons behind his decision. Some believe it could be related to political tensions. Ramos has been an outspoken critic of figures like Donald Trump and Mexico's president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), leading to theories about possible political pressure on Univision regarding his exit.

El efecto Trump o López Obrador

Jorge Ramos' profile within the United States gained national prominence, including in English-language media, in 2015 when he sought an interview with then-candidate Donald Trump.

Trump, who had shared Ramos' mobile phone number on social media, had him forcibly removed from a press conference room in Iowa.

Last year, Ramos was one of the Univision journalists who opposed the company's decision in 2023 to air an interview with Trump from his Mar-A-Lago residence, which, according to The Washington Post, was partly organized by the company's executives.

Others claim it is a response to pressure from the Mexican government and its outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Jorge Ramos has had several confrontations with the president of Mexico. One of the most notable incidents occurred during a 2022 morning press conference ("mañaneras") when Ramos questioned AMLO about the high homicide rate during his administration. Ramos pointed out that over 166,000 homicides had been recorded during AMLO's term, including 43 murdered journalists, and questioned whether the president's "hugs, not bullets" approach was efficient.

The most recent confrontation occurred in early September 2024, when AMLO publicly mentioned Jorge Ramos' salary during a morning press conference, sparking controversy. The president claimed Ramos earned 17 million dollars, though he later corrected himself, stating it was 17 million pesos. Ramos responded by highlighting that disclosing journalists' incomes is not only incorrect but also endangers their safety and that of their families. He also took the opportunity to counter with data on violence in Mexico, emphasizing that more than 183,000 homicides had been recorded during AMLO's presidency.

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