"Warrior Princess" tells the story of Kristin's coming out and transition into a woman from a male Navy Seal soldier.
"Warrior Princess" tells the story of Kristin's coming out and transition into a woman from a male Navy Seal soldier. Amazon.com

Retired Navy Seal Christopher Beck was one of the military's most elite members however he was not who he said he was. Throughout his decorated military service Beck earned a Bronze Star with valor and a Purple Heart, he also served in 3 different Seal commands including the elite Seal Team Six. Despite his many public achievements, Beck hid who he was personally. Christopher Beck his identity as a transgendered woman.

Chris served the US military in 7 combat deployments, and hid his secret while on tours in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. However, now he is retired after his long career and lives his life openly as Kristen Beck.

Kristin Beck revealed her lifelong secret in a memoir called "Warrior Princess," which was published on Sunday. In the book co-authored with Anne Speckhard, Beck describes the hardship of hiding her transgender identity but also how difficult it was to reveal her true self.

As Christopher Beck, he was a married man who had fathered two children, Beck divulges that as a man she frequently sought escape in long oversea tours to avoid having to deal with her deeper issue that she always felt like a woman underneath her male skin.

Beck came out as a transgendered woman following her retirement from the military in 2011, first exposing her true identity to family and friends. After coming out to them, Beck began her physical transformation into being a woman. Beck also states that her parents struggled with their once war-hero son becoming their "Warrior Princess" daughter.

In "Warrior Princess" Beck divulges her true feelings and struggles of her life in a seemingly all-male profession and also her grueling decision to begin the transition from the football-playing man the world knew and the women she felt she was deep down.

"It was weird that I could grow a beard and trick them into thinking I was one of them," she writes, describing the experience of dressing up as an Afghan man. "And really I'm an Amazon woman in disguise as a U.S. military guy in disguise as a Pashtun!"

Beck also writes in her memoir that she is deeply sorry if any of her fellow Navy Seals are embarrassed by her coming out. And while most would assume that there would be a lot of negative feedback most of the feedback has been all positive and supportive for Beck.

"You're a team guy, first and foremost, and you will always be," one SEAL writes. "I'll drink a beer with you anywhere, for any reason, no matter how you are dressed... especially if you're buying."

"Being a SEAL is hard," said another. "This looks harder."

Transgendered people are still barred from serving openly in the military, even though the military holds it's "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." Policy in regards to sexuality.

Beck came out publicly by posting a picture of himself dressed a woman on her LinkedIn page in early 2011, according to The Atlantic Wire, and even then Beck's former Seal team members were very supportive.

The next challenge for Kristin will be her physical transformation, Beck is undergoing hormone therapy before his sexual reassignment surgery as a woman, which includes surgery on the genitals.

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