Toxic Lipstick
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Those who have been sporting lipsticks and glosses may be engaging in risky behavior according to a preliminary new study, which found that the two lip products contain troubling levels of metals.

While previous studies have shown high levels of lead in lipstick--in 2007, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that more than 50 percent of the lipstick brands they tested contained troubling levels of lead--this new study found that in addition to lead, lip products contain cadmium, chromium, aluminum and other metals.

"We looked at nine heavy metals and found that all of them were present in most of the lipsticks, but not necessarily at really high levels," study author Katharine Hammond, a professor with the University of California Berkeley's School of Public Health told The Huffington Post. "Low levels of metals may not create a risk, but as the exposure increases, the damage can increase."

The researchers-who published their results in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives--analyzed lip products from varying price ranges from drug stores, department stores, and chain specialty stores.

"The metals that we were really most concerned about were cadmium, chromium, aluminum and manganese," explained Hammond said, adding that the main concern is that glosses and lipsticks can unintentionally be ingested.

Researchers found that when applied at an average rate (twice a day), the estimated intakes of the metals exceeds the daily acceptable levels. Overexposure to many of these chemicals can result in health risk. For example, chronic low exposure to cadmium has been linked to serious kidney problems and in some forms, chromium has been identified to be a carcinogen, and aluminum can cause neurotoxicity.

That said, Hammond admits that these findings are preliminary and further studies need to analyze the potential risks.

"I don't think that people should go into a panic, or abandon lipstick, but I do think this is a concern," she said. "I don't think this is trivial. It needs to be addressed."

If you're concerned for the ingredients in your lip products, then you can access the database that The Environmental Working Group, Skin Deep, which maintains a profile of the safety of cosmetic and beauty products.

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