German Tourist Detained by ICE Spent More Than a Week in Solitary Confinement While Traveling to California: 'It's Like a Horror Movie'
A German woman who was detained by ICE on Jan. 25 and spent more than a week in solitary confinement still does not know when she will be deported home.
Man Accused of Killing American Tourist Searched 'Do Pigs Really Eat Dead Bodies' After Hiding Victim in Forest: Investigators
Hungarian authorities have arrested an 37-year-old Irish man suspected of killing an American tourist in Budapest.
Two Tourists Killed In Mexican Hotspot In Separate Attacks
The authorities made no mention of the attack's motive.
Tourists Stuck In Peru Evacuated Via Helicopter As Protests In Provinces Continue
As protests and instability continue to increase in Peru, the country's tourism board revealed on Monday that they had to airlift and evacuate tourists out of Machu Picchu due to the protests.
Cholera Cuba: US Warns Tourists In Cuba To Be Alert After Recent Cholera Cases
The US has issued a health warning to those travelling in Cuba to be aware there have been reports of tourists infected with cholera.
Egypt Pyramids Warning To Tourists By US Embassy Is 'Baseless,' Says Egyptian Ministry [VIDEO]
The US issued a warning to tourists in Giza, which the Egyptians call "baseless."
Bronx 'Ghetto' Tours Stopped: 'Real Bronx Tours' Took Tourists Through Projects
"Real Bronx Tours", trips through the less appealing parts of New York's only mainland borough, have been cancelled.
3 Brazilian Tourists Left Dead After Hot Air Balloons Collide In Cappadocia, Turkey [VIDEO]
Three Brazilian tourists were killed after a hot air balloon crash in Turkey.
Acapulco Tourists Raped By Masked Men; 6 Women Attacked By Thugs
Masked gunmen raped six Spanish tourists in Acapulco, and tourism officials are worried it could affect the country's bottom line.
Mayan Calendar 2012 - December 21: Tourists, Mystics Gather at Ancient Ruins in Mexico Awaiting Mayan Apocalypse, Cosmic 'Upgrade'
The day of the purported Mayan apocalypse is finally upon us, and fanatical mystics and tourists have flocked to ancient Mayan holy sites such as Chichen Itza in southern Mexico awaiting such surreal outcomes as alien saviors, an "upgrade" to human consciousness, and more.