NASA Says Odds of Devastating Asteroid Striking Earth in 2032 Now Greater Than Winning a Game of Roulette
NASA has updated the odds of a devastating asteroid striking Earth, saying it is now greater than the odds of winning a game of roulette.
US Declares Mission Accomplished in War on Murder Hornets, but Experts Warn: 'They Got Here Once, They Could Do It Again'
Murder hornets—the invasive species known for decimating honeybee colonies and a potent sting—have been eradicated 5 years after their arrival, officials say.
Eating Candy and Cake Linked to Reduced Risk of Heart Disease in Stunning New Study
Indulging in sweet treats like cake, chocolate, and cookies could lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a surprising new study.
Dolphins in Gulf of Mexico Test Positive for Fentanyl, Shocking Scientists: 'It's Not Something We Were Looking For'
Dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico have tested positive for fentanyl, leaving scientists shocked and worried about the potential implications.
What is the Doomsday Clock and What Happens When it Strikes Midnight?
The Doomsday Clock is a global warning of how close we are to the apocalypse. This is what you need to know before it reaches midnight.
Ominous Smelly Balls That Shut Down Australian Beach Finally Explained: 'Absolutely Disgusting'
The little black balls that littered beaches contained components such as human fecal matter, THC, methamphetamine, medications and chemicals
Just 6 Percent of Scientists Support Trump in Stunning New Poll
About 86% of respondents said they supported Vice President Kamala Harris, while former President Donald Trump received just 6% of the votes.
Scientists May Revive Long-Extinct Animal Thanks to Century-Old Museum Exhibit
Researchers believe that the species could be brought back to life in three years, and possibly released back into the wild in 10 years.
Top Chinese Scientist Says Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory Should Not Be Dismissed
Highly respected virologist George Gao supports the theory of a possible lab leak as the origin of Covid-19, emphasizing that it should not be dismissed.
Scientists Revived 'Zombie Virus' That Spent 48,500 Years Frozen In Permafrost
Traces of viruses and bacteria that can infect humans have been found preserved in permafrost.
Virus Reservoir: Could This Therapy Offer A New Lease Of Life To The HIV Patients?
Antriovertial Treatment (ART) therapy could be the answer to Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), provided further developments are incorporated, infer scientists.
Happy International Women's Day To 5 Latina Scientists Who Make It Happen
Celebrate International Women's Day with these five awesome Latinas who prove women can do whatever they set their minds to.
Jurassic Fossil Site In Argentina: Scientists Discover Massive Area With Preserved Remains Of Mesozoic Era
Paleontologists have discover one of the world's largest Jurassic fossil sites in Argentina.
Jennifer Lopez Water Mite: Scientists Name New Species After Puerto Rican Singer!
JLo has had her fair share of honors throughout her career. Now a group of scientists have given her another one. They named a species of water mites after her!
Have Scientists Found Dark Matter? 4 Things To Know About The Possible Discovery
Have scientists finally discovered the elusive dark matter? Learn four fast facts about the groundbreaking new discovery.
Scientists 'Prove' God Exists? New Theorem Claims To Prove Existance Of Higher Being
Have scientists proven that God exists? Mathematicians have a new theorem that allegedly proves the presence of a higher being.
Bigfoot Evidence News: Scientists Claim To Have Proof Of Sasquatch Existence On Tape; Watch Footage Here! [VIDEO]
A group of scientists claim the have video footage showing Bigfoot is real.
Does Chocolate Shape Affect Taste? Scientists Say Yes! Find Out Why
What's in a shape? In the world of chocolate, shape can influence the taste according to the findings of researchers at Bristol University.
How Long Will The Earth Be Habitable? Scientists Estimate Planet Can Support Life 1.75 Billion Years [REPORT]
Scientists say Earth has 1.75 billion years before it moves too close to the Sun to sustain human life.
Shark Eating Shark Photo Goes Viral! University Of Delaware Scientists Capture Sand Tiger Shark Eating A Dogfish Post Shark Week
The shark eating shark photo goes viral, as scientists are left puzzled.
Can Math Predict The Future? Scientists Say They Can Use Formula To Figure How Many Murders Will Occur In Brazil
A gropu of mathematicians believe they have come up with a formula that will predict crime in Brazil.
Brazilian Scientists Plan To Test AIDS Vaccine HIVBr18 On Monkeys Later This Year; Clinical Trials On Humans Could Follow
Scientists in Brazil hope to test an AIDS vaccine on Rhesus monkeys later this year.
Dolphin Names: Scientists Discover Dolphins Call Each Other By Name [VIDEO]
A new study suggests that wild dolphins will refer to each other using names.
Neptune Moon: Scientists Use Hubble Space Telescope To Discover Small Moon Around 8th Planet [VIDEO]
NASA has discovered the 14th moon orbiting the 8th planet Neptune.
World’s First Bird: Scientists Discover New Candidate For Oldest Bird, Aurornis Xui; Archeopteryx Knocked Off Top
Scientists discover world's first bird fossil in China.
Is The Documentary On Mermaids Real? Scientists Say Animal Planet's 'Mermaids: The New Evidence' Is Hoax [EXPERT INTERVIEW, VIDEO & POLL]
Experts say the Animal Planet documentary about mermaids is nothing more than science fiction.
Mammoth With Blood Intact Discovered In Siberia! Can Scientists Bring Species Back?
Scientist have discovered an intact wooly mammoth with liquid blood still in the body.
Gray Hair Cure? Scientists Have Discovered A Potential Cure For Gray Hair That Will Be Able To Reverse Color
Scientists have discovered a cure for gray hair!
Giant Squid Video: Scientists Capture First Ever Footage of Creature Alive in Wild
After over a decade of searching the seas, scientists say they've captured the first ever footage of a giant squid alive in its natural habitat.
Mayan Calendar 2012: Apocalypse Date Approaching, NASA, Scientists, Scholars Champion Reason
As the supposed Mayan apocalypse date of Dec. 21 quickly approaches, everyone from NASA, scientists, and cultural scholars are speaking out to debunk doomsday prophecies.