Are Smarter People Less Racist? New Study Says More Intelligent People Just Hide Racism Better
Are smarter people less racist? New study says no.
Oprah Winfrey 'Victim Of Racism' Over Tom Ford Bag In Zurich, Switzerland [VIDEO]
Media queen suffers racism over saleswoman assuming she couldn't afford a Tom Ford bag.
'Big Brother' Host Julie Chen Weighs In On Aaryn Gries' Racist Comments [VIDEO]
Julie addressed the racist comments on the show she hosts.
Paula Deen Fired From Food Network After Racial Slur Use And Second Apology [VIDEO]
The "buttery" cook will not continue with the cable network that made her a star.
Hispanic IQ Lower Than Whites According To Co-Author Of Heritage Study; Jason Richwine Under Fire For 'Ugly Racism'
Co-author of the Heritage Foundation's immigration study says Hispanic immigrants typically have lower IQ than whites in 2009 argument against immigration.
White House Racism: Huffington Post Blogger Seema Jilani Says She Was Victim Of Racist Remarks At Correspondents Dinner
An Afghan doctor and journalist wrote a blog for Huffington Post detailing her racist encounter at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Django Unchained Review Roundup: A Gory, Clever Send Up of Hollywood Racism and More
Quentin Tarantino's latest film, "Django Unchained," doesn't hit theaters for another few weeks, but the film is already garnering some of the best reviews of the year.