'QAnon Shaman,' Face of Capitol Riot, Celebrates Trump Pardon by Buying 'Some Mother Fu*kin Guns'
The MAGA rioter who was one of the first to enter the Capitol building on January 6 celebrated President Trump's pardon with a telling social media update.
QAnon Businessman Sent to Federal Prison for Participating in Jan. 6 Insurrection; Was One of the Last to Leave Capitol
A Montana man was sentenced to two years in federal prison for his involvement in the January 6 insurrection.
QAnon Capitol Rioter Facing Eviction from Home Shot and Killed While Being Served Legal Papers
A woman who gained notoriety from evidence suggesting she was at the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol was shot and killed by a man serving her papers on Tuesday.
QAnon Followers Harass Hospital After Vocal Anti-Vaxxer, Pandemic Denier Dies Of COVID-19
A prominent QAnon backer from Chicago has died from COVID-19 on Monday, sparking outrage and a coordinated harassment campaign from her supporters against a Northwest Side hospital that declined to treat her illness with a potentially dangerous horse dewormer.
Conspiracy Theorist Heinously Murdered His Own Kids In Mexico For Having 'Serpent DNA'
A Santa Barbara father is facing a possible death penalty over the heinous murders of his two children in Rosarito, Mexico, last month. The man reportedly mounted the killings because he believed they carried "serpent DNA," according to a new San Diego federal jury indictment filed on Wednesday.
Ivanka Trump's Vaccination Appeal Didn't Sit Well WIth Anti-Vaxxers
QAnon hardliners claim that Ivanka Trump photoshopped images of her receiving the Pfizer vaccine which she recently posted on her social media accounts.