
Immigration Reform 2013: Boehner Says He Will Back Citizenship Bill For DREAMers

"These children were brought here of no accord of their own, and frankly they're in a very difficult position," said House Speaker Boehner (R-Ohio) at a press conference. Details on the bill have not been released, but it could set up a showdown between House Republicans and advocates of a path to citizenship for a much larger group of undocumented immigrants.

DREAMers Won't Benefit from Immigration Reform

In a disappointing twist, The New York Times is reporting that the White House has decided that the 1.7 million illegal immigrants that benefited from the DREAM Act will not be eligible for health insurance coverage under President Obama's health care overhaul.

DREAMers Take Stage at DNC

As Latinos continue to reshape the nation's political map, and get ready to play a decisive role in the Nov. 6 presidential elections, at least 12.2 million are expected to cast their votes.
