Texas Tech bull statue accident leaves 14-year-old dead.
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A 14-year-old boy from West Texas is dead after a tragic accident in which he ran into a bull statue on the Texas Tech University campus and impaled himself on one of the statue's horns. According to University spokesman Chris Cook, Miguel Martinez impaled himself whilst playing hide-and-seek before dawn with his friends Saturday morning by piercing his chest.

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"He just happened to trip over one to the lights," said Judith Leseburg, the teen's mother, to NBCDFW.com about the Texas Tech bull statue accident. "I guess he lost his balance and he went straight down on one of the horns."

The campus police has reported that Miguel Martinez was at the museum with two minors and two adults when the police was called to the scene. Authorities have revealed that Miguel Martinez was running around the National Ranching Heritage Museum on the Texas Tech campus when the horn on the statue pierced his chest.

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After the Texas Tech bull statue accident, grieving friends placed rocks at the base of the statue with inscriptions. A friend of the Texas Tech bull statue victim revealed that he laid beside Miguel Martinez after the accident.

"I just laid there beside him. I put my jacket over him and just held him tight and told him I loved him," Jeremy said. "He was like a big brother to me."

The family of the Texas Tech bull statue victim have set up the Miguel Martinez Memorial Fund with Wells Fargo bank to help pay for the 14-year-old's funeral costs.

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The museum where the Texas Tech bull statue accident happened, whihc is dedicated to ranching history and culture, has five life-size bull statues on its lawn outside its main gate. The horns of the bulls are facing outward and have sharp points at the end.

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