Damian Wojnilowicz mugshot
Damian Wojnilowicz mugshot Gwent Police

A UK woman was left confused and shaken after a stranger broke into her house, rearranged items, emptied the trash bins, and even cooked a meal for himself, according to a report.

Damian Wojnilowicz, 36, admitted in court on Thursday that he entered the woman's home on July 16 in Monmouthshire, Wales, without permission, while she was away at work. Upon her return, the victim found several items out of place and noticed a few household chores had been taken care of, according to BBC.

She discovered her laundry hung out to dry, refilled birdfeeders, cleaned floors, groceries put away, the recycling bins emptied, and a note written by Wojnilowicz. The message read, "Don't worry, be happy, eat up and scratch."

The unnamed woman also found that Wojnilowicz had consumed items from her kitchen, including a bottle of wine.

"I wondered if it was somebody who knew me, if it was going to turn into a stalking incident, if he knew I lived alone and if I had been targeted," the woman said, according to BBC. "I was too scared to stay in my own home and stayed with a friend."

According to court documents obtained by the outlet, Wojnilowicz was later arrested for another burglary. In that instance he washed his clothes and consumed the owner's food.

On Oct. 3, Wojnilowicz pleaded to two counts of burglary and was sentenced to 22 months in prison.

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