Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas).
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Senator Ted Cruz has made some inflammatory remarks before one of America's most conservative political groups. At a rally for members of the Susan B. Anthony List in Washington, Senator Cruz told the pro-life group that pro-choice Americans are walking “arm-in-arm, chanting ‘Hail, Satan,’ embracing the right to take the life of a late-term child.” Meanwhile Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said those who support abortion rights favor a "culture of death" and engage in "savagery."

Senator Cruz was in fact making reference to a video in which a few young people were caught “Hail, Satan” to counter pro-life protesters singing “Amazing Grace” at the Texas state capitol last July. Notwithstanding, the rally was filled with some intense comments from Republican leaders on issues such as abortion. Sen. Deb Fischer, a first-term Republican from Nebraska, told the activists: "Abortion is not a women's issue. It is not a men's issue. It is not a health care issue. It is a violence issue."

"One of the biggest prizes in 2016 will be who picks the next Supreme Court judges," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. "Wouldn't it be wonderful to win the White House in 2016, undo Obamacare, put America on a different path and have a president who defends little babies?" But Graham acknowledged it won't be easy. "We are having problems growing the Republican Party in a demographically changing America," Graham said.

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