"Super Smash Bros." director Masahiro Sakurai has revealed a new mini game for the upcoming handheld 3DS version of the title. Sakurai took to his Miiverse page to reveal the new game titled "Target Blast" where he also described how to play and what to expect.
"What's up with this bomb? This looks like the stadium for the Home-run Contest, but there's no bat. Once you touch the bomb, it begins to count down. Give it enough damage and launch it at the right time…then once the bomb's countdown hits zero…!!"
Sakurai continued saying, "...It goes BOOOOOM! Not only will the blast destroy targets, but it'll also cause a chain reaction by using shattered walls and bomb blocks--all of which contributes to you getting a high score!! This is a new activity that combines the concepts of Target Smash and the Home-run Contest--it's called Target Blast! Your final score is the total you rack up over two rounds. Of course, your Target Blast scores contribute to your Global Smash Power, too."
Meanwhile Sakurai also revealed a new Pokemon stage based off someone’s castle, which is likely N’s Castle from Black and White. He also revealed not only will Reshiram make an appearance but Zekrom and Milotic will appear, too.
"Super Smash Bros." for Nintendo 3DS is expected to launch Oct. 3, while the Wii U version has a launch window sometime during the holiday season.
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