Stevie Wonder
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Stevie Wonder announced during a show in Quebec City he would never again preform in Florida as long as the "Stand your ground law" is in effect. Wonder's decision came after Florida resident George Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Martin was a 17-year-old kid from Florida. While walking home one night in February 2012 he and Zimmerman got into an altercation that led to the shooting death of Martin. The case grabbed national attention and had trial watchers questioning racial profiling and Florida's "Stand Your Ground Law."

Zimmerman claimed he killed Martin in self-defense. The prosecution says he profiled Martin after growing frustrated with an increasing number of break-ins in his neighborhood.

Almost immediately after George Zimmerman was found not guilty protests in Florida and across the country have broken out. Many feel Zimmerman got away with murder and Zimmerman's family have said publically they fear for his safety.

Celebrities have also taken to Twitter to express outrage at the not guilty verdict. Reality TV personality Kim Kardashian also tweeted her disappointment over the verdict. She has since received criticism for it with people telling her she has no right to that opinion considering her father helped defend O.J Simpson.

Stevie Wonder told his audience he was boycotting Florida. While taking a pause in his show the "Superstition" singer said,

"Until the Stand Your Ground Law is abolished in Florida, I will never preform there again. As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

MSN is reporting that there is a "" petition going around asking people to take their vacations and go see tourist attractions in other locations. The petition says,

"Florida is not a safe place to take your long as Florida permits a citizen to shoot or kill you merely for looking suspicious."

Tourists boycotting the state of Florida does not seem like a realistic possibility. Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World will likely not see a reduction in tourists and profits in the wake of George Zimmerman's not guilty verdict.


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