Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking came out this week in support of terminally ill patients having the right to end their own lives. The physicist has been wheel chair bound for most of his adult life. Diagnosed with motor neuron disease at age 21, Hawking was told he had a maximum of three years left to live. After the diagnosis, Hawking at first gave up on life but he would later bounce back and peruse his studies. Now at the age of 71, Hawking is one of the foremost physicists in the world.
Hawking's statements in support of assisted suicide for terminally ill patients who chose to end their own lives comes a week before the release of a documentary about Hawking's life. In the documentary, Hawking talks about being put on life support when he came down with pneumonia. Hawking's wife was asked by doctors if she wanted to turn off the machines keeping her husband alive. Knowing it was not a decision her husband would want her to make Mrs. Hawking decided not to end life support.
In an interview with the BBC Hawking said, "I think those who have a terminal illness and are in great pain should have the right to choose to end their lives, and those who help them should be free from prosecution." Hawking also said, "There must be safeguards that the person concerned genuinely wants to end their life and they are not being pressurized into it or have it done without their knowledge or consent as would have been the case with me."
Despite the diagnosis that people with Hawking's form of MND, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) OR Lou Gehrig's disease, rarely live beyond a decade, Stephen Hawking was able to defy the odds. His will to live helped him to become one of the world's leading academic minds. He has even appeared on popular TV, guest starring on an episode of the "Big Bang Theory." Hawking's recent statements show the scientist believes a terminal patient has the right to end their own life and receive help if it is there choice and their choice alone.
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