Former Target employees sue company for insensitive "multicultural tips" document. Reuters

Stabbings at Target occurred in Pennsylvania on Monday. A knife-wielding man being chased after a fight ran into Target, slashed two men and stabbed a 16-year-old girl.

Police reported the suspect ran into the Target store in the East Liberty neighborhood after a fight with several men down the street. The suspect is Leon Raymond, a homeless man. After the fight, Raymond supposedly entered the Target to find who had beaten him and robbed him. He chased one of his pursuers out of a Target restroom.

Raymond then ran towards the check-out lanes and grabbed a 16-year-old girl who was on line with her family. He held the girl in front of him and waved the knife violently.

Witness, Dominique Gomez, 21, of Wilkinsburg, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the suspect was screaming that he had been robbed.

"It looked like he was holding her hostage," he said.

After the police arrived, they used pepper spray to control the suspect and secure the safety of the young girl. However, the girl was cut in the back and arm. Two men were also injured, one with a cut on the lip and the other with deep cuts on his fingers.

The girl was taken to Children's Hospital in critical condition but has recovered a bit and is now in serious condition.

Raymond was treated for effects of pepper spray and detained.

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