At the end of the year, the Spanish Royal Academy, will publish the new edition of Grammar that will assign drastic changes in the alphabet such as eliminating letters and some writing rules. This is for the Spanish alphabet. Among the changes, “ch” and “ll” were eliminated from the alphabet, leaving us with 27 official letters. Also they have decided to change the names of some of the letters like “y” and instead of calling “I griega” which in English means “greek I” it will be named “ye.” In that case, the “I latina” ot “latin I” would no longer be called that, it would just be “i.” Some other notable changes have to do with the “b” and the “v.” The “b” would now change to “be” and the “v” to “uve.”
Also there will be a change when it comes to the accents on words. The Academy has decided to eliminate accents on words like “solo”, “guión”, “huir” and “truhan” because they are one syllable words.
Also some changes with the letters “c” , “q” and “k.” Wherever there is a “q” in certain words, they will now either be a “c” or a “k.” “Iraq” will now be “Irak, “Qatar“ will now be “Catar”, “quasar” for “cuasar” and “quorum for “cuorum.”
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