Snooty the manatee turns 65-years-old this month making him the oldest manatee in captivity and quite possibly the world. Snooty was born in 1948 at time when Harry Truman was President. He lives at the South Florida Museum in Bradenton as part of the museum's living collection.
Snooty is a crowd favorite and it is not hard to see why. He is big, adorable, friendly, and knows a few tricks. Snooty has the face of an elderly man, with a story or two to tell. Snooty is in good health, chowing down on 80 pounds of lettuce and other veggies a day. At 1,000 pound Snooty doesn't mind pulling his weight when the cameras are around.
"He loves the cameras," Marilyn Marigold the museum's aquarium director told the Associated Press. AP visited the aquarium to see Snooty in preparation for his milestone birthday. They say when AP cameras were rolling, Snooty floated over toward a shallow area of his tank and hoisted himself up so he could get a better view of the camera. Or maybe it was so they camera could get a better view of Snooty.
Veterinarian David Murphy conducts biannual physicals on Snooty. He told the French Tribune Snooty is doing well but has shown a few signs of aging. His skin is thinning and not as firm as the skin of the younger manatees that keep Snooty company. We should all be so lucky if soft skin is the only age issue we face.
Snooty's vet and those who take care of him at the museum say he is doing just fine and in great shape for his age.
Brynne Anne Besio, executive director of the South Florida Museum, said, "If you lived in a pool where people gave you a bath and fed you lettuce by hand and you had no other predators and the water was always a nice warm temperature, you'd be living long too."
Like most of the older generation sometimes keeping up with the young ones is just too much. Snooty tends to take a nap when his juvenile bunk mates get too rowdy.
In honor of Snooty's 65th birthday the South Florida Museum will be hosting a free party on July 20.
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