"Sherlock" producer and actor Mark Gatiss has revealed some exciting details regarding the upcoming special for season four. According to Hypable Gatiss strongly hinted that the episode will retell Arthur Arthur Conan Doyle's story of "The Red-Headed League." The hint comes from Gatiss tweeting an image of Jabez Wilson Pawnbroker with the comment "We Gingers must stick together...#Sherlock."
If you are unaware London Pawnbroker Jabez Wilson is the character introduced in "The Red-Headed League." The story is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand Magazine in August 1891 and basically tells the story of Jabez Wilson coming to Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Watson (Martin Freeman) for help when his employer, who hired him for his distinctive red hair, goes missing.
Jabez only works at the pawnshop in the evenings, so he takes up a part-time job of copying Encyclopedia Britannica for the Red-Headed League to make some extra money in the day time. Sherlock of course is curious about the mystery and promises to help him solve it as fast as possible.
Meanwhile recent photos have showed Cumberbatch and Martin in the midst filming the special which is said to air before season four this December. In an official photo, Watson is sporting his classic mustache and both he and Sherlock and wearing period costumes with top hats.
Many fans have wanted to see the story of "The Red-Headed League" come to the modern day version of the BBC series. Conan Doyle said “The Red-Headed League” is the second best story he’s written about the "Sherlock" and if you want to be the judge you can read it yourself on Amazon for only 99 cents.
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