Seth MacFarlane has landed a new animated comedy series on FOX titled "Bordertown." He has offended many people in the name of comedy in the animated series "Family Guy." The network that brought us the Griffin family has ordered a new series from MacFarlane titled "Bordertown." After FOX canceled "The Cleveland Show" last season and "American Dad" making its way to TBS, a vacancy was left open on Sunday nights. The show has been given a 13-episode order according to Deadline and will be set in a fictitious town close to the U.S.-Mexico border. Bud Buckwald is a Border Patrol officer and a married father of three who feels threatened by the culture shift his neighborhood is going through. His next door neighbor is Ernesto Gonzales, a Mexican immigrant and a father of four, who is proud of making a good living in America.
"Bordertown's" jokes are surely to come from the difference in cultures from both families. We can also expect offensive humor that will most likely get under people's skin and be considered racist. Consuela, a "Family Guy" character that is regularly feature on their cutaway gags, is of HIspanic origin that speaks very broken English. The maid is used in stereotypical situations and is often mocked. Seth does not shy away from making jokes targeting any ethnic group and when he hosted the Oscars, he joked that Latino actors can't be understood when the speak. "Well we have finally reached the point in the ceremony where either Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz or Salma Hayek comes on stage and we have no idea what they're saying but we don't care because they're so attractive," MacFarlane said when he introduced Mexican actress Salma Hayek.
Seth MacFarlane's television shows and films have been accused of having racist jokes, but in reality everyone is a target in the name of comedy. His FOX sitcom "Dads" had an Asian-American group in uproar after the show's pilot had Brenda Song dress up in a sexy Asian schoolgirl uniform to woo Japanese investors at the video company she works for. "You will see that Brenda Song’s character is a strong, intelligent, empowered young woman who basically runs the company, and who almost always gets the upper hand on the guys," FOX Entertainment Chairman Kevin Reilly said in a statement. While Joe arley said, "This is a show that will be evocative and will poke fun at stereotypes and bigotries -- sometimes through over-the-top, ridiculous situations." With that said, we can copy and paste that same statement directed to Hispanic groups that might be offended. What do you think of the premise of "Bordertown," good or bad?
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