Ava White, a 12-year-old schoolgirl, said that she could "batter" a boy, 14, who went on to stab her to death, a court heard last week.
The girl was stabbed in Liverpool city center last November while going to see the Christmas lights being switched on, reported Sky News.
In the trial of the teenager, the Liverpool Crown Court jury heard a pre-recorded evidence from White's friend, who was with her before the stabbing that happened on Nov. 25 last year, reported Daily Mail. The friend said that there was a "disagreement" with the 14-year-old boy, who is on trial accused of White's murder, reported BBC. The boy denies murder, but has pleaded guilty to having an offensive weapon.
The friend said that an altercation started between the defendant and his three friends after they were seen filming the group. She said that White got a "bit angry and was just saying, 'Delete the video. You've got my face on there. I don't want to be posted anywhere'." The friend described White and the defendant arguing. The witness said that she was saying to leave it, but White was fuming. The friend said, "She was like "he's the same size as me I'll batter him".' The witness said that the boy pushed White, who went to retaliate then he backed away.
The defendant, who appeared in court via video link, had a "cheeky smile," said the witness. She said that just "out of the blue he lifted his arm up and caught her in the neck." The witness told the court that she saw him pull something from his waistband and "brought it up to Ava's neck." The friend said that the group had thought that the 14-year-old had punched her before he fled.
The witness said that at first, White stood there then she went pale. "She started saying, 'Ow. Ow'." She pulled her friend's "coat down and we could see all the blood." Later, she collapsed on the floor.
Defending, Nick Johnson QC asked the girl in a pre-recorded cross-examination if White had threatened the defendant. She said no, and added, "Not like she was threatening to his face or nothing." She explained that she told White not to argue because "it would end up bad, and she said 'I should be able to batter him because he's the same height'."