As Russia’s attempted invasion of Ukraine appears to be recalibrating due to higher than expected fighting and losses, reports on Wednesday show that many Russian troops are dissatisfied and staging mutinies due to not receiving the compensation they were expecting.

Ukrainian adviser Anton Gerashchenko released audio where a Russian soldier admits that the cash payouts that they were promised at the start of the war have yet to show up on their doorstep for unknown reasons, according to the Daily Beast.

“Everyone is outraged, entire battalions are starting revolts. The commanders promise us that they are giving us their word,” the soldier reportedly said.

Another soldier call that was intercepted showed that many troops were revolting or staging mutinies against their commanders due to the lack of extra compensation, with many reportedly leaving their units as the expected pay they were promised never came.

“There is such f***ery going on here, I’m telling you, 600 people have resigned from our brigade throughout this time, well about that much, give or take. Everyone is going home, they are just dumping their stuff and saying, ‘I’m going home and then leaving,’” the soldier said.

These reports come as Western officials have said that over one-sixth or one-fifth of Russia’s invasion force was no longer “combat-effective,” while over 7,000 Russian soldiers have been killed during the war so far, the Guardian reported.

Many soldiers are reportedly either rebelling against their commanders or refusing to enter Ukraine, with many soldiers being fired due to their refusal to join the fighting. The situation has gotten so bad that the Russian government has begun advertising “short-term contracts” for the Russian Armed Forces to look for extra bodies that they can put towards the invasion force.

As Russia prepares for a more-focused attack on the Eastern front of Ukraine, many in the West are wondering if they will have enough loyal troops to coordinate the continuing invasion of the country.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly hoping to find enough soldiers so that the troops invading the Eastern front would outnumber the people of Ukraine five-to-one.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine drags on to April, many Russian soldiers are reportedly leaving their troops or staging mutinies as payment and bonuses promised to them have failed to materialize. This is a representational image. Joe Raedle/Getty Images.

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