Rubén Aguirre, known for his remarkable character "Profesor Jirafales" in "El Chavo del 8," died from complications with pneumonia Friday morning. He was 82.
The sad news was confirmed by his friend Edgar Vivar, who portrayed "Señor Barriga" in the popular family show "El Chavo del 8," starring Roberto Gómez Bolaños as "El Chavo." “My favorite professor rests in peace now,” Vivar wrote on Twitter. "Today my good friend Rubén Aguirre left this earth. I will miss you very much.”
Aguirre's daughter also confirmed the news to CNN en Español, revealing that her father died from complications with pneumonia. The Mexican actor was hospitalized in May, but was released on June 7 to rest at home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where he passed away.
Earlier this year, Consuelo de los Reyes, Aguirre’s wife had mentioned on a TV show that her husband was in serious condition. “From one day to another he lost all his strength and now he’s not moving,” de los Reyes said at the time. “He can’t even roll on the bed and is not talking as much. Diabetes has him like that.”
Aguirre, most notably for his many roles on "Chespirito," portrayed "Profesor Jirafales" on the children's favorite "El Chavo del 8." He was everyone's beloved teacher in el vecindario and the love interest of Doña Florinda.
We remember the late actor with some of his most memorable quotes on the show.
1) ¡Ta, ta, ta, taaaa... ta!" (expression he made whenever he got upset)
2) "¿Por qué causa, motivo, razón o circunstancia?" (with what cause, motive, reason or circumstance?)
3) "¡Doña Florinda!"
4) "No se preocupe Doña Florinda, soy el maestro de Quico y estoy acostumbrado a sus estupideces" (Don't worry Miss Florinda, I'm Quico's teacher and I'm used to his dumbness)
5) "Vine a traerle este humilde obsequio" (I came to bring you this humble gift)
6) "He tenido alumnos buenos, regulares, malos, pésimos y Quico" (I've had good students, regular ones, bad ones, mean ones, and Quico)
7) "Ni soy maistro ni me apellido Longaniza. Soy Longaniza y me apellido Maistro" (I'm not maistro, nor is my last name Longaniza. I'm Longaniza and my last name is Maistro)
8) "¡Silencio! ¡Silencio! ¡¡¡SI-LEN-CIO!!!" (silence, silence, SI-LENCE!)
9) "¡Y les advierto una cosa! ¡ por próximo que interrumpa lo dejo sin recreo!" (and I'll warn you, next to interrupt me with stay without recess!)
10) " Y eso que no me lavé los dientes" (and I didn't even brush my teeth)
11) "Yo solo me he equivocado una vez..., cuando pensé que estaba equivocado." (I only make errors once..., when I thought I was wrong)
12) "Solamente los idiotas están muy seguro de lo que dicen y de eso estoy completamente seguro" (only dumb people are sure of what they say, and of that I'm very sure)
13) "El burro por delante" (the donkey goes in front)
14) No sera mucha molestia? (it won't be a problem?)
15) Despues de usted (after you)
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